Gang Rape, Murder of College Girl Student in Barasat unleash Wild Protests

Furious locals decline police, administration   

Barasat, at the moment, is witnessing a mass upsurge and with each moment it passes the struggle is intensifying as more and more people from all walks of life are voicing their stiff protests against the dastardly event – mass rape and murder of Shipra Ghosh, daughter of Sukumar Ghosh (daily laborer by profession), on June 7, 2013. Shipra was a student of BA (2 nd year) at Baguiati Derozio College and while returning from Lake Town College after examination there, she was abducted midway, gang raped and murdered.

Shipra Ghosh used to live in village: Kamduni, within the area of Kharibari in Rajarhat.

In accordance with local people, Shipra was passing by the very spot at 2.30 pm where a group of hoodlums including Ansar Ali, Enamul and Rezzaq was drinking alcohol. And in a blink of an eye the innocent girl was clutched by the ruffians, taken to the nearby Narkelbagan (a large vacant space enclosed by brick walls on all sides); she was raped there repeatedly and was murdered afterward. Later on, the dead body was thrown to the dam close at hand and the murderers left.

The dead body was discovered in the evening by locals triggering off an outburst of emotions and angry protests. Initially, considering outsiders loitering in the dam responsible behind the ghastly incident, locals let loose a wave of destruction – lots of vehicles including 12 motorbikes and 4 four-wheelers were destroyed. Equally culpable was the role of P.S. Rajarhat; despite several calls it refused to turn up. The very spot of rape and murder was cited by it as a place under the jurisdiction of P.S. Barasat. Such a snub proved to be the last straw on the horse’s back and the intensity of public outcry got apparent when a team of police from P.S. Barasat went to the dam to recover the dead body.

Owing to a fierce protest, police had to return empty handed. Even if high-profile police officials went there at 11 pm, the situation didn’t change and a skirmish between police and public took place only. The dead body remained beside the dam till late night.

On June 8, 2013, even if police managed to recover the dead body of innocent Shipra, a few reckless approaches did spark off another series of conflicts. It is learnt, Haji Nurul Islam, local MP and also infamous for provoking anti-Hindu riot at Deganga in 2010, instructed police to disperse the mob of protesters by any means, be it application of force.

Reportedly, windowpanes of his car were broken by the fuming mob.  

As per fresh reports, two culprits behind the gang rape and murder of Shipra Ghosh – Ansar Ali and Enamul have been taken into custody while the third one Rezzaq is absconding. Shaukat Ali is also on the run. Two other youths – Gopal and Bhola, alleged to be there while drinking, have also been put behind bars.

Whole of Barasat is simmering in anger now while police is busy in tightening its security measures – a saga of which locals are skeptical to the largest extent.

Hindu Samhati regularly monitors and reports violations against Hindus in West Bengal. We also work with both governmental and NGO agencies for proper education on protection and ensure remedies to the Hindu populace as per prevailing law of the land.


Retreat for sometime and prepare yourselves and then attack lethally with full vigour and strength to instill fear in the minds of the oppressors.
Unknown said…
Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

momof2 said…
all these anti-socials should be given harsh punishment. If this had been a muslim girl, people would have created a havoc.

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