Gangasagar is Burning Again !


Gangasagar burns again. Muslims demolished a Hindu club, looted all its articles and sports instruments, destroyed a dozen Hindu shops, looted all goods, the police remained merely meek spectator and strangely detained 16 Hindus whose shops have been looted.
Rudranagar is the village where Sagar Police Station is situated in the famous Hindu pilgrimage Gangasagar island. Within half km distance of the Sagar Police Station, there is one renowned Club of the local Hindu youths named Ahalya Club. Besides the club building, there is a small piece of vested land measuring about 0.15 acre, owned by the government. Since last 10 years, the Ahalya Club members organize Durgapuja on that land. Nobody has any problem with it. No Muslim reside within one and half kilometer area from that place. And this place is adjacent to Rudranagar market. Moreover, the only Hospital of the island and the BDO office are also situated here.
Yesterday on 1st March at 2 pm, 6-7 Muslims came from outside with 12 concrete pillars and a small signboard made of Tin. They put up the signboard on that vacant land where Durgapuja is performed and left the place quietly. On the signboard, “Here Okttia Mosque will be constructed” were written. For sometime, nobody noticed it. After about two hours, when people saw it, they became perplexed and furious. The word spread. Ahalya Club members and about 200 general Hindus assembled. At 7.30 pm the signboard was removed by them. Again the word spread. Muslims started to assemble at various places. At 10 pm, about 500 Muslims mainly from 3 areas, e.g., Khansaheb Abad, Mandirtala and Gangasagar village came to the spot by matador and other vehicles. Almost all were armed with lethal weapons like big iron rods, fire arms, etc. Their first target was the Ahalya Club. The fanatic Muslim mob, with the Islamist slogan ‘Naraye Taghdeer Allahu Akbar’, broke the wooden door and windows of the Club and entered in it. They broke the carrom board, Colour TV and everything inside the club, and then took away all materials including the wooden plates of the door and windows. After destroying the club, the fanatic mob started destroying the roadside shops owned by the Hindus. They destroyed and fully looted about 12 Hindu shops including the cloth shop of Bapi Pradhan, tea stall of Pintu Giri, fertilizer shop of Bharat Mandal, sweetmeat shop of Uttam Patra and others. Police personnel were standing there as mute spectators. They did not even try to stop the Muslim looters. Seeing this, Hindus started to gather. Within half hour, about 200 Hindus assembled and advanced towards the spot.
Then the Muslim looter mob left the place.
The Muslims raised slogans from the procession jontly led by TMC leader and minority cell secretary of local party unit, Seikh Abdul Kahar, Joynal Abedin, minority cell secretary of CPIM, Seikh Saiful, CPIM leader Seikh Samsul, Seikh Azad, Seikh Shah Alam, Seikh Rustam and others. The slogan was also targeted against Shibendu Mandal, Secretary of the Ahalya Club. They declared that Shibendu Mandal's head will be severed since he led the Hindus to remove the Signboard put up the Muslims. Many of them were perpetrators of attacking Hindu Samhati Camp at Gangasagar on 12 June 2008. The difference of their political allegiances did not deter them to attack on the Hindus unitedly.
After the Muslims left the place, when the Hindu shop owners and their family members reached there to see the condition of their shops, the heroic police detained 16 such Hindus in the police station to demonstrate their strength and valor. Till the report is being written, these hapless Hindus have not been showed as arrested, nor have they been released. The West Bengal police is specialized in this art of terrorizing the victim Hindus to maintain peace in its jurisdiction. Extra police contingent and Rapid Action Force from Kakdwip have arrived to the spot. The situation of the entire Gangasagar island is extremely tense.
The nearby Kali Temple beside the BDO office run by the Rudranagar Market Committee has also been vandalised by the Muslim mob. They broke down the grill gate and doors of the Temple.
The rampaging Muslims vandalised the BDO office too.
It is also reported that some so called Hindu leaders with vested political interest and the local govt administration are conspiring to reach a compromise formula. This is the expected fruit which the Muslims know very well how to extract by arm twisting.


surinder attri said…
1. Bhai Sahib

It is disheartening that Shashi Tharoor is at it again.

Now this idiot says that Saudi Arabia should muddle into Indo-Pak

How disgusting, in fact this is what Pakistan is crying hoarse
by beating its breasts in open foras.

Tharoor is the product of the education system introduced
by Maulana Azad and his ilks.

We don't seem to have any self-respect!

BK Chaudhari

2. My Take:
Shashi Tharoor is a great example of Phoney-Liberalism. He is a real phoney, atom by atom, and with molecular precision. His Phoney-Liberalism is sickening.

3. Shashi Tharoor needs to be informed, not only about the Imperialist, Political Ideology of Islam, but also about Islamic havoc in India.

Surinder Paul Attri
surinder attri said…
1. Pakistan can never be India’s friend
2. My Take:
Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) of the world have suffered more from Islam, than from any other calamity on earth. Hazrat Mohammad has divided humanity into two classes: Moslems & Non-Moslem Infidels ( Kafirs ). According to Mohammad's categorization, Moslems are the superior people and the rulers & Kafirs ( the inferior people ) are to be ruled by Moslems, through the yoke of Islam. Mohammad has raised the status of Moslems sky-high, because of what he calls the fundamental superiority of Islam. To the Moslems,Mohammad's categorization looks marvellous & mystifying, because it runs down the others, the Kafirs, and because they ( the Moslems ) would be rewarded in Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ), according to this categorization, by Allah & by Mohammad.

3. The superiority of Moslem, of his Islam, the rewards of Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ), and the intercessionary powers of the Prophet, promised by Islam, are illusory, delusive, and psychologically paralysing, to the Moslem as well as to the Kafirs. But the belief in them takes hold, and succeeds in brainwashing the Moslems, who go out to destroy the great nations & cultures of the Non-Moslem world, making Islam a barbaric cult of gigantic proportions. But an average Moslem is not terribly concerned with adherence to truth about Islam. He diligently believes the propaganda fed to him by Mullahs & Maulvies that, Islam is a religion of peace, love, and brotherhood.

4. But the Islamic love of mankind is a hypocrisy & myth, of even greater proportions. Kafir-Hatred ( hatred of Non-Moslems ) is at the very heart of Islam, and has been the biggest pillar of Islam's existence, from day one of Islam. Islam blatantly declares that Kafirs are denizens of Hell, and seeks to ignite a permanent war, between the Moslems & the Non-Moslems. The teachings of Islam have sparked a sense of Islamic superiority among Moslems, and set them on course to, bruise, batter, and brutalize Kafir nations of the world, to convert them to Islam.

5. Moslem has been brainwashed through the teachings of Islam, that salvation is not possible unless people follow the prophet of Islam, who is Allah's messenger. It was Allah who made the laws, who revealed these to Mohammad & gave him instructions regarding government & morality. It is Islamic principle that government belongs to Allah, and must be conducted according to His laws. This is the cornerstone of a Moslem's actions.

6. Note The Islamic teachings, attributes, and methods are Not even remotely similar to the tolerant, secular, and democratic culture of India. Islamic culture is the very anti-thesis of everything that India stands for. Moslems are firmly committed to Islam, and have no recourse other than to overthrow all governments that, do not rest on pure Islamic principles, and hence are corrupt. It is, therefore, the job of a Moslem to tear down the traitorous, rotten, and unjust culture of the Kafirs. This is the duty of every Moslem in the world. Moslems have no alternative but to engage in an armed holy war against the profane Kafir governments of the world.

7. With these kinds of fundamental beliefs of Moslems, who constitue the majority of people that inhabit Pakistan, how can there be ever any friendship between Pakistan & India ?

Surinder Paul Attri
proudhindu said…
subj:Gangasagar is burning again

in my opinion hindus should unite and attack those communal mobs to teach them.i believe they only obey the ppl who are powerful as history says.its the time for hindus to wakeup otherwise westbengal will be islamic state and everyone should take initiative to convey this msg throughout bengal.i also believe that our political parties are patronising muslims for the votebank bt they are doing nothing for the safety of hindus.i believe that its the time for us to unite and protect our motherland from islamisation.we should take oath that every hindu ll convey any atrocity against hindu by muslims to atleast 10 hindu ppl with proper document and every youth shud take physical training for their self defence against islamic agression.BHARAT MATA KI JAI.BANDEMATARAM
proudhindu said…
subj:Gangasagar is burning again

in my opinion hindus should unite and attack those communal mobs to teach them.i believe they only obey the ppl who are powerful as history says.its the time for hindus to wakeup otherwise westbengal will be islamic state and everyone should take initiative to convey this msg throughout bengal.i also believe that our political parties are patronising muslims for the votebank bt they are doing nothing for the safety of hindus.i believe that its the time for us to unite and protect our motherland from islamisation.we should take oath that every hindu ll convey any atrocity against hindu by muslims to atleast 10 hindu ppl with proper document and every youth shud take physical training for their self defence against islamic agression.BHARAT MATA KI JAI.BANDEMATARAM

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