Hindu Samhati leader invited for lecture series in the United States

We are pleased to let you know that Tapan Kumar Ghosh, President of Hindu Samhati, arrived safely in New York City this morning. He will be traveling to different cities to as part of a lecture series organized by Hindu Mahasabha of North America

His US Travel Schedule is given below (2010):
New York: August 5 – 8, 11, 24 – 26
Boston: August 9 – 10
Houston: August 12 – 16
Washington DC: August 17 – 18, 21 – 23
Chicago: August 19 – 20

The organizers of his lecture tour in these cities (in chronological order of the travel dates) are:
New York:
Mr. Narain Kataria,
Phone: (718) 478-5735
Email: katarian@aol.com

Mr. Kanchan Banerjee
Phone: (617) 306-6609
Email: kbkali@yahoo.com

Mr. Dilip Mehta
Phone: (281) 491-7299, (713) 553-7384
Email: dilip@hmsamerica.org

Washington DC:
Mr. Shivram Sitaram
Phone: (301) 515 8504
Email: samhatidc@yahoo.com

Mr. Prasad J. Yalamanchi
Phone: (630) 359-5041,
Email: pjyalaman@yahoo.com


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