Minor girl goes missing from Shantipur, Nadia, FIR filed against suspect Shoaib Ali

Kaberi Kundu, 16-year old student of Saratkumar High School and living in Ward number 11 of Dokantala Shantipur under the jurisdiction of police station of Shantipur in the district of Nadia went missing on 24 th October and she has not returned to her residence yet. It has come to knowledge, Kaberi went to private tuition at 7 am on the same day and was kidnapped midway by Shoaib Ali. Shoaib is of 30 years old; he is the son of late Shamser Ali and lives in Ward number 12 within Durgatala Shantipur under the jurisdiction of same police station. Kaberi’s father and relatives lodged a general diary number 1293 on 24 th October but searching for her went on for the next three days. Once complicity of Shoaib Ali in the case was confirmed, the aghast family filed a First Information Report against him in the Shantipur police station on October 27 – First Information Report number 646/13 dated 27.10.2013.

Kaberi’s father received phone calls on both 28 th and 29 th October from a person who introduced himself as Abdul Karim Sheikh, a resident of Jangipur in Murshidabad and also the brother-in-law of Shoaib. He promised to return Kaberi on 29 th October within 11 am. Despite this was informed to the Shantipur police station, no approach has been adopted by the administration to find Kaberi out. 

The role of Partha Roy who is Officer-In-Charge of Shantipur police station seems to be diabolical. To conceal his own inactivity as regards saving Kaberi from the clutch of kidnappers, especially Shoaib Ali, he has been found busy to make use of the canard of 'communalism'. Reportedly, he has advised a telephoner, anxious to know of Kaberi’s whereabouts, not to disturb him anymore since the girl’s father has no interest in recovering her. He said on record that 'it creates communal tension'. Hence the matter should be left out."

Hindu Samhati regularly monitors and reports violations against Hindus in West Bengal. We also work with both governmental and NGO agencies for proper education on protection and ensure remedies to the Hindu populace as per prevailing law of the land.


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