Mumbai 11/26 --- Statement by Tapan Kumar Ghosh, Convenor : Hindu Samhati


The latest Terror Attack in India is now over. 200 dead, 300 plus injured, huge loss of property and total loss of self esteem of the Indian Nation. To the world, the message is clear -- we are defeated by the Islamic jihadis. We have to admit it. Then & then only, the future course of our actions will be in the right direction. Otherwise, we will be simply waiting for the next episode.

They came not to shatter our economy, but to shatter our Nation, to win over a Kaffir nation. And they succeeded. Our leaders are saying -- it is a war. But these same not leaders are not behaving like the American leadership acted after 9/11. They made even George Fernandez, then India's Defence Minister, to undress for security check. But our leaders and officers are still afraid to say the truth that every Muslim, Indian or not, is a potential security threat. They, their Mosques, their Madrasas, and all other Muslim Institutions should be checked thoroughly. Even the Muslim MLAs, MPs and Ministers should not be spared. Everybody in our security agencies know the reality, but cannot do anything for the sake of our HOLY COW named 'THE SECULARISM'. After 11/26, it is now clear that in our country, the security and "secularism" can not go together. We have to make our choice clear -- security or phony secularism. Unfortunately, in this country, "secularism" is more important than patriotism, national Integrity, national honour and security of its citizens.

The 11/26 events have once again established the involvement of Pakistan, money power of the Arabs and full participation of our domestic jihadis. Narration of details is unnecessary. Therefore, it is very clear what to do to save our country and our people.

As long as Pakistan is intact, its jehad factory will not stop. Therefore, dismember Pakistan. We have no other alternative. And in our domestic front SIMI, Indian Mujaheedin, Decan Mujaheedin etc. are the effects, not the cause. So, to stop the production of Jihad and Jihadis in our country we have to stop (1) all madrasas, (2) all Deobands, Aligarhs and Jamias, (3) sermon (khutbah) of Imams in mosque after Namaz, (4) Haj Pilgrimage and Haj subsidies (5) multiple marriages, (6) unlimited birth of children (7) cow slaughtering, (8) tableagues, (9) MuslimPersonal Laws and (10) Urdu language. We have to strictly impose Uniform Civil Code and abolish Art. 370 of our constitution. To stop terror, these are the fundamentals. Indian brand of Secularism will obstruct. We have to overcome it. We have to throw away this secularism lock stock and barrel into the sea. It is the pre-requisite of our security, of our honour.

We, on behalf of HINDU SAMHATI, pay our tribute to Hemant Karkare, ATS Chief and other security personnel who sacrificed their lives in the hands of Islamic Jihadis. This honest and efficient officer, Hemant Karkare was made to be heavily burdened and pre-occupied with the investigation of the Malegaon blast. So, he and his agency became unalert about the conspiracy and extensive preparations of the Jehadis in the preceding weeks. Consequently, we saw the loss of Karkare's life and that of 200 more. Late Karkare was assigned the duty by his superiors to find out some Hindu terrorists to balance the "blame upon Islamic Terrorism".

Results -- Mumbai 11/26. It is the bill, we had to pay for secularism.

Enough is enough. These should not be the words only. This should be translated into deeds. And without wasting any time. We call upon the patriotic citizens of this country to press hard our policy makers to fall in line or quit. Country can not afford more. This should be the lesson of Mumbai.

Tapan Kumar Ghosh

Convenor : Hindu Samhati


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