American Hindus Express Solidarity with Bengali Hindus on the Second Anniversary of Hindu Samhati
My Dear Hindu Brothers and Sisters in Bengal: Saadar Pranaam! On behalf of the Hindus in America and the Indian American Intellectuals Forum, it gives me a great pleasure to know that on February 14th the Hindu Samhati has successfully completed two years of its valuable service to Hindu Samaj. We are happy to note that in these two years the Hindu Samhati has awakened a new sense of confidence and pride in the Hindu people of Bengal. Bengali Hindus now feel themselves confident and a power to reckon with. We from America congratulate you for reinforcing a sense of unity and consolidation within the ranks of Hindu society in Bengal. As you are fully aware we are the worthy descendants of great Rishis and Munis of Bharat. Our Hindu Dharma is the mother of all religions. It has no rigid dogmas and it adjusts itself with the needs of the time and situations. The history is testimony to the fact that whenever there was a decline of Dharma and the Adharmic forces rose, Dharma has organ...