The extensive belief that industrial centers or metropolises of India detest to be bastions of secularism gets a jolt in Durgapur, premiere industrial city of Indian state of Bengal, Dist: Burdwan, when a Hindu ashram (hermitage) became subject to wild assaults of Islamic tormentors on 21 May.
When Hindu persecution is rampant in Bangladesh now, a question haunts whether the Indian state of Bengal is free of all these. Myriad incidents manifested do authenticate that Hindu persecution in this side of the border is on the rise too and at this hour, the Hindu persecution in Dhantala, Nadia in 2003 that rocked the state’s political and social arena then deserve special mention. On February 5, 2003, two buses containing large number of Hindu women and returning from a marriage festival were blocked by Muslim radicals at village: Aismali, Dhantala, District: Nadia. Hindu women were taken to nearby Dhantala Madrasa forcibly and were gang-raped mercilessly by the same perpetrators. The gruesome incident continued for hours while Hindu men and women tried their best to raise alarms. However, the police station (P.S. Dhantala), close at hand, preferred to remain silent. Even the endeavors made by tortured Hindus to lodge FIR against the ghastly incident were snubbed....
A Serious Communal Clash took place on 9th May 2016 night in Kolkata at Dakshin Dari area near Bidhan Nagar. Mosque loudspeakers were used to mobilise the religious Muslim mob. Police force was attacked. Three police vehicles were torched. Influential local TMC MLA Sujit Bose was severely injured, now in the hospital. In late night a very big contingent of police/RAF took control of the area. But no arrest till now. Hindus in the geographic are scared. The dispute was started between two groups of 'syndicates'. But quickly it turned into a communal institute. As usual Kolkata and the biased media look other way. MSM suppressed the report. Only 'Dainik Jugasankha' ( had the guts to report it. ============================= Hindu Samhati Global Media Email : Facebook : Twitter : @HinduGlobe Websites www.h... In West Bengal govt bosses, both political & bureaucrats, take easy the attacks on police and massive damage of govt assets by Muslim mob. 7 police vehicles reportedly damaged by Muslim mob at Kaotsa vill under Baduria PS in Basirhat sub dvsn in 24 Pargana(N) dist near BD border Baduria Police Station reportedly attacked, ransacked. 4 police vehicles damaged by Muslim miscreants. Souvik Ssrkar's house @Magurkhali vill @ Baduria Ps reportedly gutted. Souvik posted on FB something allegedly offending Islam. Widespread communal disturbances in Basirhat sub division. Reportedly on the issue of FB post by a Hindu boy allegedly offending Islam. In WB it's proved time&again that Muslims always take law in their own hands for any http:// grievance.Now on allegedly offending FB posts Widespread communal disturbances in Basirhat sub division. Rathayatra attacked in Basirhat town by few Muslim miscreants. Hindus agitated. From ...