Makar Sankranti Message From Tapan Ghosh


I convey my Best Wishes to all on the auspicious day of Makar Sankranti.

This is a day of Festival for the Hindus. Our Great Forefathers, long ago, started to observe this day as ‘Auspicious’ to give some message to the larger society. That Message was of change and of consolidation. Change for the Better and Consolidation for Strength.

In Nature, this day indicates the change of cosmic configurations. This day, the Sun God enters the ‘Makar Rashi’, its journey from South to North starts. Hence it starts to give more light, more energy to the creation from this day. This is a change in Nature. So, Humankind, too, taking lesson from Nature, should strive for more light in the area of knowledge and more energy in social activities. Like in nature, there should be a change in society, change in the right direction, change for the better.

This day brings the message to the Humanity to abandon its inertia. Particularly Hindu Society is suffering from deep rooted inertia since the days of its slavery. It resulted in killer passivity. We must get rid of it. This is the day when we confer to get rid of this killer passivity.

That’s why, our forefathers started the ritual/tradition of ‘Makar-Snan’ or ‘Sankranti-Snan’ (Holy Bath), to bring people out from the comfort of their homes, to face the cold of winter and to take a ritual bath in the ice cold waters, to condition the people to be indifferent to hardships and face adversity boldly. Simultaneously, to take a long journey to mingle with others at Gangasagar or Kumbh. This creates social integration and consolidation. This is our way of creating Unity, without sacrificing one’s speciality or uniqueness. The whole world comes to see this unique Unity in Diversity in our Kumbh or Gangasagar.

Those persons who are unable to make this long journey on health ground or financial constraints, are instructed to take a bath in nearest river or a specific pond nearby. That river or that pond is considered to be the sacred Ganga this day. You must come out from the comforts of your home, you must mingle with others, you must feel that you are a part of the larger society, you must face the difficulties of nature, and you must strive for change, the change for the better. This is the message of this Auspicious Day of Makar-Sankranti, which permeates through ages from our great forefathers through the sacred traditions of our great religion.

Again I convey my Best Wishes to All.

Tapan Kumar Ghosh

President, Hindu Samhati


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