Hindu Samhati’s Press Conference depicts its inherent steadfastness

Hindu Samhati, to reveal increasing State Repression on Hindu Samhati, Hindu genesis in Bengal in public, organized a Press Conference here in Kolkata today at the Kolkata Press Club. The conference was conducted by Sri Animitra Chakraborty (Media-in-Charge, Hindu Samhati) while the dignitaries adorning the occasion included Sri Tapan Ghosh, president, Hindu Samhati, Swami Tejsanandaji, Sri Abhoy Vartak (Sanatan Samstha), Michael Brannon Parker (well-known author from United States).  

While Animitra Chakraborty initiated the Press Conference depicting the existing gruesome reality for Hindu Samhati, one of the most prominent Hindu advocacy groups in Bengal and whole of India, its continual struggles to sustain and fight for righteous Hindu interest in the state, mounting State repression on it exhibited worst as regards its recent 4 th Anniversary on February 14, 2012, Sri Tapan Ghosh emphasized the heinous and heedless approach of the governance that had come to the fore with the arrests of Hindu Samhati activists engaged in campaigning for the 4 th Anniversary and the abrupt revocation  (completely unreasonable) of the permission given to Hindu Samhati ( almost a month ago) to carry on the said convention.       

Sri Tapan ji also did put forward how police and administration scanned every aspect of Hindu Samhati, working constitutionally with steadfastness, and made all efforts to intimidate and prevent it from going on with the aforementioned meeting on February 14, 2012.  He also wondered of the precise definition of change “Poriborton” and whether the present governance is becoming a new face of tyranny.  He also stated firmly that the entire approach was to appease Islamist vote bank in the state of Bengal and cautioned that rising minorityism, if remains unchecked, will bring destruction outright.

Sri Abhoy Vartak, while speaking, expressed his apprehensions that the repression on Hindu Samhati happens to be the worst form of repression known thus far and stated intrepidly that the entire Hindu society and Sanatan Samastha second struggles of Hindu Samhati.

Swami Tejsanandaji expressed his hope that, as every unjust onslaught fortifies moral fiber of a valiant and true warrior, the ongoing repression will make Hindu Samhati more defiant and stronger in its conviction to fight for Hindus.

Michael Brannon Parker spoke of need of more such struggles as being waged by Hindu Samhati and its expansion is the only hope for continuance of Hindu civilization across the globe.  


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