Hindus in Bengal steadfast to conquer Love Jihad

After lots of frustrations, this is indeed a great achievement – fresh news of triumph and all credit go to the Hindu Samhati activists and their tireless efforts to recover Priya Mandal (age 14), who became victim of Love Jihad or the malice set to ravage Hindu girls through the venomous spell of love. On the word of locals inhabiting South Bishnupur within the Mandirbazar police station’s jurisdiction in the district of South 24 Paraganas, adolescent Priya Mandal (name changed) was abducted on April 13, 2014 from her residence there. She was kidnapped by Sagir Sheikh, mechanic in a local motor garage, who feigned that he loved her a lot. Sagir Sheikh lives in the village of Gilerchat within the Raydighi police station’s jurisdiction. Even after lots of searches in the vicinity, her parents failed to get her and filed an official complaint to the local police station.

Being acquainted with the fast worsening law and order in Bengal and also the role of police plus rising placation of Islamists, Priya’s family members lost no time to contact the local activists of Hindu Samhati. The investigation was kicked off soon and thanks to their persistent endeavors, the case ended with a thumping victory. Hindu Amati’s activists got hold of Sagir Sheikh fast and compelled him to spell out the new address of Priya Mandal. Soon, she was recovered from Taki Road and handed over to the local police station. When Priya was presented to the Diamond Harbor Court, she expressed how Sagir Sheikh abducted her by force. While the Hon’ble Court granted Priya to move to her parent’s residence, Sagir Sheikh became victim to mob fury and he was admitted to a local hospital with lots of injuries. According to Rajkumar Sardar, local HS activist, Love Jihad has been expanding in the realm of Mandirbazar by leaps and bounds for the last few years. Albeit, it was termed as a mere love affair by Hindus initially and hence, was brushed off, fast changing reality has forced them to get cautious. The recovery of Priya Mandal, tough penalization of Sagir Sheikh evidences the changing Hindu consciousness, as per Rajkumar Sardar.    

However, there can’t be any complacency in any way. Love Jihad in Bengal is a cruel reality and is being found everywhere in the state ever more. Hundreds of Hindu girls have already been lost; recovery of Priya Mandal has created a history, in that case. Who can forget the episode of Sarmistha Sarkar? These days, Love Jihad is taking place overtly, by bullying the Hindu family in public. This approach came forth on March 21, 2014, in Howrah when Sarmistha Sarkar (age 16 yrs), student of Class VIII in Dharsha Prahlad Das Girls’ School at Dharsha Kajipara in Howrah, was abducted by Becha Mallik, age 45 and a Muslim Black Magician by profession. Sarmistha is the daughter of Swapan Sarkar and Lakshmi Sarkar, living in Satashi Uttarpara, GIP Colony within the jurisdiction of Jagachia police station in Howrah district.

Love Jihad is a heinous conspiracy to fortify Islamic fundamentalism; it has got to be stamped down to save Hindu girls.

Hindu Samhati regularly monitors and reports violations against Hindus in West Bengal. We also work with both governmental and NGO agencies for proper education on protection and ensure remedies to the Hindu populace as per prevailing law of the land.


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