Gias Uddin Exposes Ahmed Hassan Imran

Gias Uddin is a school teacher in Murshidabad dist in West Bengal. Surely he is an exception. He is trying to make some reforms in Islam. He is author of many articles and books on this subject. Undoubtedly he is courageous. Now he exposes Islamic Terror promoter Ahmed Hassan Imran. This article is in Bengali. In this article Gias Uddin described the criminal communal deeds of Jamati members in Bangladesh in collaboration with Paki Army. Those Jamatis are now reportedly getting support from TMC MP Ahmed Hassan Imran. And now his partners are playing 'minority card' to get rid of these serious allegations. The article by Gias Uddin : দেশদ্রোহীতার অভিযোগে অভিযুক্ত আহমদ হাসান ইমরান কি ধর্মের সুড়সুড়ি দিয়ে পার পেয়ে যাবে ? Link -