Usti witnessed unchecked violence against Hindus

Large scale violence rocked Usti market in South 24 Pargana district of West Bengal today morning. More than 50 Hindu shops were destroyed by rioting mob. Properties and cash worth more than a crore were looted from the shops belonging to Hindus. Later, a few shops belonging to Muslims were symbolically destroyed by themselves. The situation further worsened when local MLA and Minister of State for Minority Affairs, Giyasuddin Mollah reached the spot and reportedly abused and insulted SDPO of Diamond Harbour. Reportedly he asked police to release the Muslims held by the police on the spot, claiming they were his men. Violent mob looted more than a dozen LCD TV sets from a shop owned by Krishna Mandal. Cash & dresses worth Rs. 40 lakhs were looted from Nabin Pal's shop – Annapurna Vastrayala. Cycle shop of Parimal Pal, Grocery shop of Sahadeb Ghosh, Narayan Mishtanna Bhandar(sweet shop) of Ashish Mandal and Makali Mishtanna Bhandar were looted. Gas cutter was ...