Sign Petition to save India’s Sovereignty

There is no TIME to WASTE. A simple INDECISION or PAUSE will compromise India’s sovereignty in the bordering areas (in the Indian dominion) of Bangladesh once and for all.
The reigning situation in the bordering towns of Bangaon and Taki-Hasnabad, in addition to the bordering villages of Sutia and Bagan Gaon (P.S. Bangaon) – all positioned in 24 Parganas (North) district of the Indian state of Bengal – is  out of the frying pan into the fire and there are apprehensions that the intrusion of flag bearers of Talibanism, going on successfully and recurrently exploiting the lackluster stance of Indian government, from Bangladesh into India will increase in a flash leading to complete Talibanisation of Bengal's wide-open border with Bangladesh.     

Frequent Trans-Border Violations of India's Sovereignty (which has been Repeatedly Compromised) can be called a halt only if stringent actions are adopted by the Government of India. This is the only procedure to put an end to Talibanization of Bengal looming large. 

Hence, this is high time for Indians to propel the Government of India to work likewise through signing the following petition ardently.

Here is the Link for signing the Petition

Come, Sign, Work Fast or you will be nobody in your own motherland. 


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