Our women's honor violated, Hindus' land grabbed. LAND JIHAD ON

TOTAL 9 HINDUS : 4 Hindu men : Subal Mandal, Amal Mandal, Bijay Mandal, Prasenjit Mandal, Debu Haldar, and 5 Hindu women (all married) Smt. Bhagabati Haldar, Smt Renuka Mandal, Smt. Ambika Mandal, Smt. Putul Mandal have been seriously injured, Now admitted in Raidighi Gramin Hospital in South 24 Pargana district. They have been beaten up by the Muslim miscreants of same locality. The women have been molested, manhandled and rape have been attempted on them. Their fault - they tr ied to stop the Muslims to encroach/capture the land of Subal Mandal. In this area of Raidighi block, Muslims are are forcibly capturing all govt. lands (of PWD & Irrigation dept) by the side of public roads. These plots of lands are just in front of the Hindu houses, Hindu agricultural lands and ponds owned by the Hindus. By the encroachment of these govt lands, Hindus' entry and passage will simply be blocked. Moreover, their women will be unsafe. But many ro...