Islamists molest Hindu girl in Madhyakolra in public; Hindus fuming

Can deployment of RAF quell mounting danger of Islamists simply?

The village of Madhyakolra, located in the jurisdiction of P.S. Domjur, District: Howrah, Indian state of Bengal, is once more in flames and as fresh reports are coming in the entire area is being guarded by RAF owing to an untoward development – molestation of an 18 year old Hindu girl by a group of Islamists today in the evening.

It has been learnt, the innocent girl, in the evening, was delighting in Fuchka in the local market area when the aforementioned Muslim ruffians, roving like a pack of mad dogs in search of Hindu girls always, got hold of him. They snatched her dupatta (accessory of Churidar) all of a sudden and when she endeavored to resist them, the goons simply pounced on her. And as a part of grievous molestation her clothing was ripped.

Hindus youths, present there, protested against this outrageous act right away and this protest was followed by a violent attack of the same Islamists on them. Hindu youths also defended and finding it too difficult to overpower Hindus there, Islamists signaled their co-religionists and soon a large violent mob of Islamists gathered there. Without more ado, they started knocking Hindus.

Hindus, in throngs, also gathered soon and what followed was nothing other than a ghastly battle between two communities (at daggers drawn for more than a millennium).

Incidentally (prior to this report), the village was in news - owing to a steep onslaught of local Muslims, led by Bangladeshi Muslim infiltrators, on Hindus as regards a pond.

A painstaking study of the situation (then) by this scribe and his colleagues discerned harrowing experiences of Hindus (reeling under great pains for violent attacks of Islamists). An official complaint was lodged to the local police and administration but apart from verbal assurances nothing was perceptible virtually.

And what has happened today is beyond the imagination of any sane individual.

Without doubt, it can easily be discerned had the administration been active to restrain Islamists such a shocking incident could have been avoided. Not to speak of Islamists, administration must also be put on the dock for such an untoward development.

What is going to be the fate of Hindus of Madhyakolra then? Was the faith of Hindus on the legal system of India the greatest fault?

Have the legal institutions in Bengal ceased to exist or whether Hindus must regroup like the days of partition in 1947 to save themselves? 

Hindus demand an answer straight away. Administration must realize that everything has a limit and Hindus’ patience is not infinite.


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