Murshidabad Riot - Authentic Source

Some of the readers of this blog intended to know about the authentic source of the news of Murshidabad Riot.
Our sources are our workers of that area. But one may see the news and photo in INDIAN EXPRESS of 12 July. Below is the link :


Deshabhakta said…
Thanks for providing the Indian Express. This will be useful in forwarding the information to friends and contacts.
Anonymous said…
It is time to unite. All Sanatana Dharmis should unite. This is our beloved nation and we must protect it and its dharma.
Anonymous said…
Muslims are the parasites of our planet and the infestation is now beginning to itch. Its time the peace loving civilised inhabitants of this planet scratched the life out of that itch....
We try to be civilised and allow you parasites to live amongst us in peace so dont piss us off or the islamic infestation of our planet will have to be iradicated....
We need to unite not just by saying but by our work. Do whatever we can do to unite Hindus and fight against terrorists.

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