Remembering Dhantala gang-rape of Hindu women ----10 years Later........

When Hindu persecution is rampant in Bangladesh now, a question haunts whether the Indian state of Bengal is free of all these. Myriad incidents manifested do authenticate that Hindu persecution in this side of the border is on the rise too and at this hour, the Hindu persecution in Dhantala, Nadia in 2003 that rocked the state’s political and social arena then deserve special mention.

On February 5, 2003, two buses containing large number of Hindu women and returning from a marriage festival were blocked by Muslim radicals at village: Aismali, Dhantala, District: Nadia. Hindu women were taken to nearby Dhantala Madrasa forcibly and were gang-raped mercilessly by the same perpetrators.

The gruesome incident continued for hours while Hindu men and women tried their best to raise alarms.  However, the police station (P.S. Dhantala), close at hand, preferred to remain silent. Even the endeavors made by tortured Hindus to lodge FIR against the ghastly incident were snubbed. Police visited the very spot on the next day but were accompanied by the same Muslim toughs making Hindus realize that there would be no justice ever.

The entire job was done to please Allah and also to sanctify the new (then) madrasa.   


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