Amrita Bazar Patrika’s “Poll” created Bengali Hindu Homeland in 1947

There have been lots of speculations of the anguished Bengali Hindus during 1946-47, especially their agonies under the monstrous rule of then Muslim League, leading to the partition of (then) Undivided Bengal on religious ground, thus far. Nevertheless, in all these the role of Amrita Bazar Patrika, nationalist newspaper of international repute, has been snubbed outright.

It’s the time to recollect and pay glaring tribute to the newspaper (now defunct) and its vigorous role to save Bengali Hindus in the dark days of partition of the Indian subcontinent.

Once the British government annunciated its Proposal of Partition, Amrita Bazar Patrika carried out a “Poll” extensively to seek readers’ views regarding the British proposal. Its issue dated March 23, 1947, asked readers clearly, “Do you want a separate homeland for Bengali Hindus?” The same question was witnessed to be repeated its following issues unhesitatingly till April 15, 1947. However, there was a break for two to three days in between.

Result of the “Poll” conducted was declared in the Patrika dated April 23, 1947. In accordance with the newspaper, 5, 34, 249 answers were received in this regard – with results: YES – 98.3%; NO – 0.6%; REJECTED – 1.1%.  Even Surendra Mohan Ghosh, then president of Bengal Provincial Congress Committee, certified the public opinion poll as “regular and valid.”

Patrika also stated that Messrs Gupta and Mitra, well-known firm of Chartered Accountants, had also endorsed the “Poll” as “substantially accurate.”

The “Poll” played a considerable role to form the Bengali Hindu homeland of West Bengal in 1947 and smash the devilish maneuver of Islamists to create United Bengal to contain and racially exterminate Bengali Hindus.     


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