Islamic Fanatics Slaughter Cows at West Bengal Village - Police Mere Dumb Spectators

Numerous illegal cow slaughters have taken place at the Chhoto Mahara village in the Amta Sirajbati area of the Howrah district on the occasion of Eid on 28th Nov 2009. No cow slaughter has ever taken place in this village, yet on that day 12 to 15 cows were slaughtered, cocking a snook at both law and Government decree. Albeit a meeting took place the day before at the BDO (Block Development) Office with the members of the Thana (Police Station area) Committee and the local leaders where it was decided that no cow slaughter would take place in the village during Eid. The BDO, Mr. Sanjay Mukherjee was present at the meeting and gave his solemn assurances towards this decision. Why and how did such an outrage happen?

In this village Hindus and Muslims live side by side. The Hindus never apprehended that cow slaughter would take place despite the decision taken at the meeting and solemn assurances by the BDO. When the agitated Hindus notified the Police, a force was immediately dispatched to safeguard the Muslim population of the village. But in spite of prior information the police never took any initiative to prevent this outrage. To compound the insult local street dogs have brought the bones of the slaughtered cows into the compounds of Hindu homes and temples. There has been a great reaction and public anger at the silent complicity of the Police and the administration towards this desecrating act.


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