Political jubilation panics villagers of Kanaidanga, Hooghly

The jubilant march of activists and supporters of Trinamool Congress on August 25, 2013 after successfully forming the Panchayat board at Bhagabatipur under the jurisdiction of Chanditala police station in Hoogly district turned into havoc for villagers living in Kanaidanga. The village comprises a sizable number of Hindu Barga Kshatriya families who belong to the scheduled castes and are known to be CPM supporters in the neighborhood. It has been learnt that initially there was no plan to enter the village of Kanaidanga. The decision was taken later on by Haji Rabiul Mollah (Kanu) who is enjoying high status of a strongman in TMC these days. The march was being led by Mohan Bag and Srikanta Bag while Haji was in the forefront.

Once the procession entered Kanaidanga, crackers were burst and it appeared as if the vitriolic participants were all set to carry on mayhem. Within a couple of minutes, the residence of Panchkari Bag was targeted and both his wife and niece were reportedly molested. Seeing further advancement of the march, local Hindus apprehended more dangers and stood up to resist it. But their resistance was foiled by local police who forced the Hindus to remain behind doors while the miscreants freely roamed in the area. It has been learnt that the Muslim rowdies were not from Kanaidanga but were brought from somewhere else and this development has panicked villagers.

Hindu Samhati regularly monitors and reports violations against Hindus in West Bengal. We also work with both governmental and NGO agencies for proper education on protection and ensure remedies to the Hindu populace as per prevailing law of the land.


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