Prime Minister’s Package: The Long Betrayal

by Mohan Krishen Teng

Reports appearing in the Indian press, emanating from the statement made by the Home Ministry in Parliament, on the eve of the 22nd anniversary of the exodus of the community of Hindus from Kashmir, that not a single family living in exile had availed of the Prime Minister’s Package, should give no cause for any surprise. 

What should cause surprise is the belief that the Indian Prime Minister and the men around him harboured the thought that the Hindus of Kashmir living in refugee camps in Jammu and other parts of India should have returned to Kashmir to live in refugee camps there at the charity of the Muslims and the mercy of separatist flanks who are leading the so-called struggle for freedom of Kashmir from the ‘occupation’ of the Indian army.

To Know More Please Read: 


ARYAN said…
oneactMr. Manmohan Singh and his congressmen in the midst of their selfishness have probably forgotten that India is a Hindu nation and Hinduism is its indigenous culture. They expect to administer this nation depriving the 80.5% of the population of their rights.What a shame Mr. P.M. that inspite of knowing the intentions of these jehadi group,you allow the wicked intentions of congressmen and muslims to flow wayward depriving the Hindus of their rights. You congressmen typically refer yourselves as secularist but show a step-motherly attitude to the Hindus.

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