Carnages of Ananda Marga ascetics (on April 30, 1982) commemorated in Kolkata

No justice yet

No matter what the magnitude of a massacre is, it’s highly important (as well) to make people remember the same with each day it passes – ascetics of Ananda Marga order have been doing the same job tirelessly. And with April 30, 2012 they have made the 30 th commemoration of carnage of 17 Anandamarga Sannyasis (including 1 sannyasin) that happened on April 30, 1982 in broad daylight and before thousands of silent onlookers, placing it in the list of ghastliest mass murders in the history of human civilization thus far.

Dadhichi Diwas on April 30, 2012 (commemoration of mass execution of ascetics on April 30, 1982), apart from the ascetics of Ananda Marga order, was participated by people from other walks of life too including Bharat Sanskriti Manch, headed by Sri Tapan Ghosh, president, Hindu Samhati.  
In accordance with reports, the ghastly incident on April 30, 1982 took place at Bijon Setu, Kolkata, Bengal, stone's throw to P.S. Gariahat and P.S. Kasba, and was perpetrated by a large number of ruffians in the vicinity. Even if the government came out (in no time) with a fictitious story terming the incident as a fallout of public outrage (terming people were recklessly determined to get hold of kidnappers of children - cheledhora), without doubt a nasty design reigned supremely or else taxis carrying ascetics of Ananda Marga, going to attend an educational conference in their headquarter at Tiljala, wouldn’t have been stopped at three places between Bijon Setu and Bandel Road (1 km road altogether).  Ascetics were drawn out of the cabs then, beaten mercilessly and burnt to death in the end. Police never turned up!

It is alleged that involved ruffians were known as truehearted cadres of CPIM, at the helm of affairs in the state then. Moreover, both the government and party under aegis of Jyoti Basu and Pramod Dasgupta respectively remained tightlipped while the ostensible leaders of the carnage, local CPIM MLAs Sachin Sen and Kanti Ganguli, remained free. No inquiry commission did happen owing to persistent hindrances of then CPIM-led government.  

There has not been any justice thus far – justice delayed is justice denied.

A number of speakers including Sri Tapan Ghosh spoke on the occasion.


Asit Guin said…
The world-wide Ananda Marga sect, a so-called spiritual and social organization of Indian origin, is being probed by the FBI for links with acts of terrorism and murder. According to the Chicago Tribune (8/16), the FBI is studying reports that the group runs para-military terrorist training camps in the United States.

Founded 27 years ago, the group has been linked with bombings, assassination attempts, hijackings, arson and murder in India, Australia, Malaysia, England, the Philippines, Scandinavia and the U.S. Members who defect, as well as certain political figures and diplomatic officials who pose a threat to the group, have been especially vulnerable to acts of violence attributed to a Gestapo-like branch of the sect.

Ananda Marga’s guru, Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar – called “Baba,” or father, by his followers – spent seven years in an Indian jail before reversal of his conviction on charges of murdering seven disloyal members. While he was imprisoned, followers committed acts of terrorism and self-immolation to gain the guru’s release.

Sarker, 61, predicts the cult will rule the world by the year 2005. Looked upon as a god by his devout followers, he teaches that the world is in a state of moral and physical decay. Hope lies only in an “intellectual revolution” led by Ananda Marga, and if that fails, “physical revolution is inevitable.”

The group claims 3 million members in 30 countries, with 5,000 in the United States. The State Department, however, estimates 400,000 members worldwide, with 5,000 in the United States.

Ananda Marga denies having participated in any acts of terrorism or violence, but law enforcement organizations throughout the world are seriously investigating the group, and, in some cases, have instituted “extreme security measures” to protect individuals whose lives have been threatened by Ananda Marga.
Mr. Guin uses unsupported innuendo in his attack on AMYS. The reality is that AMYS and its Guru were hated by both the Indira Ghandhi administration and the Marxist because of the organization's unstinting stand against corruption. This opposition and exposure of corrupt politicians and bureaucrats became extremely uncomfortable for politicians and they stopped at nothing in a failed attempt to implicate AMYS and Baba in various conspiracies, all of which, in the end, have been shown to be a sham. Just because an organization is under investigation does not mean that it is guilty of the crimes it is being investigated for, yet people like Mr. Guin, including terrorist watch organizations continue to claim that AMYS is a terrorist organization because it is under investigation. This is a viscious circle: you are guilty of being a terrorist organization because you are under investigation for being a terrorist organization, and, since you are suspected of being a terrorist organization, you are under investigation. . . This is the way politicians manage to brand groups which they do not like in order to hinder them. The same thing happened to groups which opposed the Vietnam war in the 1960s and 1970s.

I suggest that before one makes the charge that AMYS (or any group)is enganging or has engaged in terrorist activities, that they look up the entire history of the cases. For example, the Hilton bomboing in Sydney is often used in this regard, but the convicted Margiis were ultimately freed and their records purged of the "crime" while many in the security forces of the country have come forward to say that they now feel the bombing was done by the same security forces and AMYS was framed for it.
Unknown said…
Ananda Marga, a so-called spiritual and social organization of Indian origin, is being probed by FBI for links with acts of terrorism and murder. According to Chicago Tribune (8/16), the FBI is studying reports that the group runs para-military terrorist training camps in the United States. Founded 27 years ago, the group has been linked with bombings, assassination attempts, hijackings, arson and murder in India, Australia, Malaysia, England, the Philippines, Scandinavia and US Members who defect, as well as certain political figures and diplomatic officials who pose a threat to the group, have been especially vulnerable to acts of violence attributed to a Gestapo-like branch of the sect. Ananda Margi’s guru, Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar – called “Baba,” or father, by his followers – spent seven years in an Indian jail before reversal of his conviction on charges of murdering seven disloyal members. While he was imprisoned, followers committed acts of terrorism and self-immolation to gain the guru’s release. Sarkar predicted the cult will rule the world. Looked upon as a god by his devout followers, he taught that the world is in a state of moral and physical decay. Hope lies only in an “intellectual revolution” led by Ananda Marga, and if that fails, “physical revolution is inevitable.” The group claims 3 million members in 30 countries, with 5,000 in the United States. The State Department, however, estimates 400,000 members worldwide, with 5,000 in the United States. Ananda Marga denies having participated in any acts of terrorism or violence, but law enforcement organizations throughout the world are seriously investigating the group, and, in some cases, have instituted “extreme security measures” to protect individuals whose lives have been threatened by Ananda Marga.
Unknown said…
asit guin aksi fails to mention all the good that Ananda Marga has done throughout the years since the beginning of its existence. I have memories of staying at the Ananda marga Jagrti (home for spiritual practitioners) in Queens New York when I was a young man over thirty years ago. They had government cheese, peanut butter and bread for to feed the poor and those they sheltered at the Jagrti. So...Mr. Guin, The United States funds Ananda Marga relief work and schools but also investigates it? How crazy is that? Ananda Marga propagates peace yet also speaks up against injustice. The Indira Gandhi regime imprisoned Baba for seven years on false evidence. They wanted to put Him away. Yes, we do acknowledge Baba's Divinity. This has nothing to do with terrorism. The Indira Gandhi regime - who else? - poisoned Baba when He was in prison. they gave Him enough poison to kill an elephant. He survived an attack no regular human would ever have been able to survive. It wasn't the first time someone tried to kill Baba. When He was but a boy, a fundamentalist sect in India abducted Him and tied rags around His waist, poured kerosene and lit it. They left Him for dead. His belly was torn open and His guts were falling out. Out of a desire to serve humanity, Baba picked up His guts, dusted them off, put them back in His belly, and walked to the nearest place for emergency help. He lived. Clearly, regardless of whether one believes Baba to be Divine or not, He was not an ordinary human.
Unknown said…
asit guin fails to mention all the good that Ananda Marga has done throughout the years since the beginning of its existence. I have memories of staying at the Ananda marga Jagrti (home for spiritual practitioners) in Queens New York when I was a young man over thirty years ago. They had government cheese, peanut butter and bread for to feed the poor and those they sheltered at the Jagrti. So...Mr. Guin, The United States funds Ananda Marga relief work and schools but also investigates it? How crazy is that? Ananda Marga propagates peace yet also speaks up against injustice. The Indira Gandhi regime imprisoned Baba for seven years on false evidence. They wanted to put Him away. Yes, we do acknowledge Baba's Divinity. This has nothing to do with terrorism. The Indira Gandhi regime - who else? - poisoned Baba when He was in prison. They gave Him enough poison to kill an elephant. He survived an attack no regular human would ever have been able to survive. It wasn't the first time someone tried to kill Baba. When He was but a boy, a fundamentalist sect in India abducted Him and tied rags around His waist, poured kerosene and lit it. They left Him for dead. His belly was torn open and His guts were falling out. Out of a desire to serve humanity, Baba picked up His guts, dusted them off, put them back in His belly, and walked to the nearest place for emergency help. He lived. Clearly, regardless of whether one believes Baba to be Divine or not, He was not an ordinary human.

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