Islamists molest Hindu housewife brutally in Joynagar

Muslim mob vandalizes Hindu village for protesting against Islamists   

Hindus in Bengal are amid severest danger that can be compared for sure to the days prior to the partition of India. Infinite references can be drawn from the Islamic period (remaining for around 1000 years over Hindus before the British occupation) to help people ascertain the ever-increasing Islamic danger these days but it may burden this saga only. Nevertheless the ways Hindus are becoming easy preys to Islamists, defensive measures have got be adopted – the fast it is, the better it is. And true to Muslim mindset, this time too – Hindu women remains the first and foremost victim of Islamic lecherousness or lust.

On July 26, 2012, at 11 am, two Muslim vendors (apparently to sell blankets) entered village: Sashapara (inhabited by Scheduled Caste Hindus exclusively), P.S. Joynagar, District: 24 Paraganas (South) and came to the house of Purnima (name withheld), a Hindu housewife who was all alone at that time.  His husband was out because of own job.

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