Barasat – safest haven for Islamist criminals

Brutal death of Hindu doctor reveals it once more

Hindu army in Barasat – best solution?  

It no longer seems only but is a reality that no administration does exist in Barasat, District: 24 Paraganas (North); it has become a safe haven for Islamist toughs where anything can be done at their will and the only job of police is to kowtow to them. The latest instance, in this regard, is the killing of Bikashbandhu Mallik (age 57) at Kadambagachi, P.S. Barasat, for daring to protest against two drunken Islamists, Jalaluddin Muhammad and Sirajul Islaam, who tried to molest a Hindu girl in broad daylight on September 3, 2012.

Hindus have no confidence on police and hence, they expect nothing from them.

Should Hindus form own army to leave without fear and with dignity in Barasat? Should lynching and other punishments replace effete administration there?

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