India: Anti-US Protests by Some Muslims in Chennai – Analysis

by B. Raman

A group of about 1500 Muslims staged an ugly demonstration outside the US Consulate-General in Chennai on the evening of September 14, 2012, in protest against a derogatory film on Islam and its Holy Prophet produced by an unidentified person in the US.

The details of what happened in Chennai disturbingly resemble what happened in the Azad Maidan in Mumbai last month and what took place in Benghazi on September 11.While a large number of Muslims were peacefully demonstrating or holding a meeting, small groups of violent Muslim youth entered the scene and tried to indulge in violence. While in Mumbai and Chennai, the Muslim youth who indulged in violence were armed only with stones, in Benghazi they carried rifles and rocket-propelled grenades resulting in fatalities.

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Anonymous said…
Why do you spread HATRED among people .. Why don't you preach LOVE .. ?

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