Hindus forced to curtail Devi Durga immersion programs in 2012

Everything to placate Islamists; care of religious harmony a good facade

If you are desirous to immerse deity of Devi Durga in this year, it will have to be done on October 24, 25 and 28 – but not on October 26 and 27 – such is the diktat of Bengal government. Reason? October 26 and 27 do belong to Eid ul-Adha or Bakri Id when Islamists will be found to observe the festival with splendor and they ought to be given an equal opportunity.

This, for sustenance of a perfect religious harmony in Bengal, happens to be the best prescription of Mamata, found in many avatars these days including politician, administrative head, sudden doctor and social scientist.

Well, if anyone prefers to dissent will he be taken into custody? Even if there is such a danger, it must be said that the onus to maintain religious harmony in Bengal is on Hindus ever.

However, there remains inhuman absence of similar response from the other side and Hindus, highly acquainted with the precarious notion of secularism and its intolerable fallout, knows the reason of it well. The mounting Hindu persecutions in the realm of Bengal tell the sordid story more and more.

Hindus in Bengal must curtail their own interest to better others – this is the bedrock. Is it necessary for Hindus to abide by the same principle, entirely suicidal and letting foes to mock them, always? Not in any way!

What we do consider – the prescription is not for maintaining religious harmony but to steer clear of any conflict. Didi knows well how Islamists, thanks to her protective measures, remain busy to flex muscles (these days) without respite. And the passage of any Hindu religious procession before a mosque or a Muslim locality will annoy Islamists leading to disorder. Counterblows of Hindus, to the worst fears of Didi, may worsen the situation at certain areas.

As a result, Hindus will have to follow the governmental diktat masking under the notion of maintenance of religious harmony.

Mamata, reportedly, finalized the decision only after discussing with various Puja committees at the Netaji Indoor Stadium on September 19, 2012. Who do head these committees? They are not Hindus but mere morons ever ready to dance to tunes of others for personal benefits.

The diktat proves both pro-Islamist stances of Bengal government and preponderance of Islamists in the state. We are reminded of Muslim League days in the decade of 1940s. Worst is yet to come. 


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