The Proffer of Hindu Samhati

First and foremost aim of establishing Hindu Samhati is to preserve the basis, dignity of Hindus in Bengal, across rural and urban centres, and also to safeguard its posterity. Hindus, by now, have both started to wage struggles in various parts of the state and taste flavor of victory too and the main factor behind these happens to be the sagacity, valiance and foresight of our beloved leader Sri Tapan Kumar Ghosh.
However, struggles of Hindus, to retain their own existence, in blocks like Deganga, Swarupnagar and Baduria, are getting protracted.
Tehatta: One of the worst instances of anti-Hindu activities of police (under the reigning government) – death of Ashoke Sen (age 45) and critical injury of almost 10 Hindus including Sudhamay Ghosh. Sri Sri Jagaddhatri Puja had been going on for long 12 years and even if he Idgah was adjacent to it, there was no problem. However, the entire scenario changed with the induction of reigning government. The administration surrendering to pressure of Islamic leaders of Trinamool Congress (having nefarious intention to extend the Idgah) cancelled official permission to hold the Puja and thus snatched Hindus’ religious right. 56 clubs and puja committees of Tehatta block strongly protested against this and as a mark of protest, barricaded the main road of the block on November 14, 2012. To quell the peaceful Hindu protestation, police turned out to be brutal leading to the death of an innocent Hindu individual. Dreadful police persecution has been going on Hindus in village: Haulia and its environs.
Deganga: Moral fiber of Hindus here has come to an all-time low; situation is such that experiences of black days of September 6, 7 and 8 in 2010 are still felt day in and day out currently. Unchecked Islamic fundamentalism rules the roost now; intimidation, assault on Hindus along with insult on their womenfolk have become a common affair and due to the incapacity (resulting from absence of fortitude) Hindus have not been able to forge defence (simplest even) yet. As a result, Hindus have to count on police, administration and also political parties to save their womenfolk and also themselves from Islamists. Holding any meting to protest against Hindus’ plight in Deganga block remains a day dream for any Hindu organization up till now. Even if they dare to opt for sticking posters or distribute leaflets, police, violating all forms of democratic rights enshrined in this free country, concentrates on harassing them (in all forms) altogether.
How long will Hindu youths in Deganga tolerate such Islamic atrocities and inhuman activities of police? 
Khabrapota: Hindus from a large number of villages in Deganga block, Golaberia, Beleghata, like Hindus of Kadambagachi in Barasat, bordering areas have fled owing to inhuman atrocities of Bangladeshi Muslim infiltrators with local Muslims. As a result, all these villages and much more have come under the sway of Bangladeshi Muslims entirely. Hindu youths have offered valorous defences in areas like Khabrapota, Molladanga, Bhumitala, Charghat to preserve Hindu existence there; consequently, they have had to flee and serve jail sentences as well.
Sheikh Mosabber Hussain alias Lal Mian, Swarupnagar block president of madrasa and mosque committee, die-hard communal and also land mafia, has been holding devottar property and temple illegally for years. Hindus have endured immense hardships ranging from fleeing their ancestral villages to serve in jail for struggling against this illegality. Sri Kamdev Bandopadhyay, also known as Sri Sri Thakurbar, has a vast land worth 54 bighas; his temple is situated on the same land – recorded as devottar property in Department of Land and Land Reforms, Bengal.
When the Left Front was in power, Julfikar Mollah – Officer-in-Charge, P.S. Swarupnagar, Jahanara Begum, Head of Panchayat, block president Mo. Rajiv Mandal and Lal Mian, virtually threatening Hindus of the village and also making them flee through police atrocities built a mosque overnight (illegally and under police protection) facing the temple of Sri Sri Thakurbar. Julfikar Mollah arrested Hindu youths who protested by inflicting fake cases on them and made them go through a state of ignominy in the jail custody. What is more, Charak Mela of Chaitra Sankranti, Bengali year 1416, was stopped citing security of the aforesaid illegal mosque.  
To protest against this, Hindu Samhati summoned a mass meeting on May 22, 2011 and leaflets were also distributed beforehand in this regard. Once the administration apprehended the strength of call of Hindu Samhati, our activists were threatened with dire consequences. Nevertheless, despite all these police, administration failed utterly to disband the meeting. Later on, a peace meeting was held at Charghat Milan Mandir School, attended by Sri Ananda Sarkar – SDPO, Basirhat, I.C. – P.S. Swarupnagar, BDO, BLRO where both Hindus and Hindu Samhati were pledged that the crisis would be dealt with administratively in the following 3 months.
Hindu Samhati, depending on this solemn promise, decided to call off the mass movement for the time being. Two years have passed now but any concrete administrative approach is yet to take place. It is evident that the promise was to fool Hindus so as to get rid of Hindus’ mass struggle.
Myriad such instances are there where Hindus are not getting justice from the administration.
Hindus have no way other than going for mass struggle and mass defence to get justice – it is apparent. 
Hindu Samhati regularly monitors and reports violations against Hindus in West Bengal. We also work with both governmental and NGO agencies for proper education on protection and ensure remedies to the Hindu populace as per prevailing law of the land.


Bhavya Ketan said…
The Hindus need Hindu Samhati like organizations in different parts of India.

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