Congratulations to Hindu Samhati Members

Congratulations to Hindu Samhati Members.


Hindu Existence said…
We started a thankless job for such a society who bother less than anybody anyway from the others. Some of us caring for our cause,are generally called as eccentric. More over the big bosses are not ready to spare any space for new ideas or straight steps out of their conventions. Even then we started our mission as WE SHALL OVERCOME SOME DAYS. Yes it is true for ever. I congratulate the pro-active HINDU SAMHATI members for their forthcoming success. Bharat Mata Ki Jay.
.....upananda brahmachari.
Unknown said…
Days for silent march are over. Hour has come for explosive march. When hindus will be ready for that? Our muslim friends are sacrifising their lives for their religion. And hindus are busy in building their career. In Assam and West bengal, educated hindus are in search for new plot or flat in other states,because they getting themselvs ready for the time when they will become refugees again. Tamal Roy
Unknown said…
We are ready to start a job at once. But very much reluctant to stay with it. why should we not update this site once in a month? Is this not a immature death of a new born baby?

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