Hindu Samhati's Silent March Against Terror - Success in the Red Bastion

As we had intimated before, Hindu Samhati under the leadership of Sri Tapan Kumar Ghosh organised a Silent March along the streets of Kolkata. It might be said with all humility the that the massive response it generated from the Hindu masses of Bengal and the spontaneity of the response has left us surprised. The March commenced from the gates of the famous Calcutta University and ended at Esplanade - the centre of the City. In its course the March traversed through nearly two thirds of down town Kolkata and everywhere people lined up along the footpath, in a silent expression of their solidarity with the marchers.
In a meeting before the Hindu Samhati team had already decided that the March against terror blasts throughout India would be a silent one. Silent because there is nothing more to say. If the random deaths from Jihadi terrorism of more than 30,000 of innocent Indian citizens, soldiers and other security personnel throughout the last decade could not spur the government of India into action; it may be safely assumed that the honourable government of India has ceased to respond to anything resembling a call of duty. Maybe (and we are hoping against hope here) an expression of silent scorn and contempt by a massed citizenry could shame it into action. And the common people of Bengal and Kolkata affirmed their solidarity. Kolkata - the Red Bastion of the East, the capital of flamboyant secularism, the safe secular heaven and the covert jump-off base of the Jihadis from Bangladesh and Pakistan, Indian Jihad's unguarded backdoor to the world. And this time Kolkata witnessed a strong and silent gathering of Hindus which may be said to be the largest since the days of the Ramjanmabhoomi Movement. Maybe the sleepy and forgetful Hindu of Bengal has had enough.

At Espalnade the marchers and the public was addressed by Sri Tapan Kumar Ghosh and other leaders of Hindu Samhati. After that an eight member team of Hindu Samhati went to the Raj Bhavan (Governor's House) to submit a memorandum against the horrible spectre of Jihadi terrorism that is trying to rip our motherland apart.

The full text of the Memorandum is given below, after the pictures of the Silent March.

Youth of Hindu Samhati gathers for the March

Opposite Calcutta University
Sri Tapan Ghosh has a discussion with the Marchers
The March begins
Banner trans: Silent March to end Jihadi Terror
Banner trans: Stop Kolkata-Dhaka busses and trains, stop importing terror.
Marchers of Hindu Samhati - before the Kolkata Municipal HQ
March goes through downtown Kolkata
Banner trans: After how much blood shall the Government assume the duty of securing the lives of its citizens?
Sri Tapan Ghosh exhorting the Marchers
Culmination - at Esplanade
Young leaders of Hindu Samhati addressing the public meet.
Banner trans: Hang Afzal Guru (of the parliament attack infamy) immediately.
Sri Tapan Kumar Ghosh addressing the Marchers and the public at Esplanade.
The Memorandam presented by Hindu Samhati to the Honourable Governor of West Bengal Sri Gopal Krishna Gandhi:
Date: 01/08/2008


Sub: Serial blasts throughout India, the continuing spectre of terrorism and Hindu Samhati’s Silent March.

Shri Gopal Krishna Gandhi
The Hon’ble Governor of West Bengal
Raj Bhavan

Respected Sir,

After the serial blasts of Bengaluru and Ahmedabad, this spectre of terror which has run unabated for the past 20 years and still continues to run, has exposed us to some very uncomfortable questions. That is how long should we continue this sham exercise called a ‘Peace Process’, even though it is becoming painfully apparent that the nameless, formless adversary of terrorism and their very well known handlers and financiers across our eastern and western borders, cannot be propitiated. However much we try.

How much more blood should flow and how many more lives should be lost before the Government of India realizes the utter futility of its position? Even as Pakistan continues to mastermind and train the terrorist operations in this country we go on negotiating with this ruthless entity. We confer the ‘most favoured nation’ status on Pakistan - in matters of trade, while they continue to blow up our citizens. We are providing an unending supply of food, medicines and other necessities of life to Bangladesh while Bangladesh continues to flood across our borders with millions of infiltrators and terrorists. While we provide them with food, they, nourished by the same food, train Jihadis to blow up their unsuspecting benefactors. For how long must the citizens of India endure this unfunny farce of a ‘Peace Process’ while their near and dear ones continue to die on the streets?

On the 11th of September, 2001, nearly 3500 US citizens died in the WTC bombings. After that not a single blast has taken place in the USA. The US government did what was necessary to safeguard the lives and liberty of its citizens. From 1994 onwards nearly 21000 ordinary citizens and nearly 8000 security personnel have lost their lives in terror related violence in India. Thousands and thousands more have been seriously injured. All the Govt. of India has done in redress is to issue meaningless words and empty gestures. The Government of India has failed miserably in the most fundamental duty of governance - the protection of life, liberty and property of its citizens.
In protest of this emasculated security policy of the government Hindu Samhati has led a huge Silent Protest March through the city of Kolkata today. The demands of this march are as follows:

1. Hang Afzal Guru, the terrorist accused for the parliament attack, immediately.
2. Deal wih Pakistan and Bangladesh in the strictest manner possible and, if necessary, sever all diplomatic and economic ties.
3. All trains and busses to and fro from Pakistan and Bangladesh must be stopped forthwith.
4. All terrorist training camps in Pakistan and Bangladesh should be destroyed by military force.
5. Introduce a much stricter security act than POTA.
6. Shut down all the Madrassas that teach Jihad.
7. Scrap the outrageous report of the Sachar Committee and stop the appeasement of minorities immediately.
8. Stop infiltration from Bangladesh. If necessary, shoot the Bangladeshi Muslim infiltrators at the border.

Thanking you.
Yours truly,



Anonymous said…
Shri Tapanji,

My God give you everything you need to awake our Hindu brethren in Bengal.
Jiggs said…
Shrimaan Tapanji....

Aaap ka Subh karya safal ho, yeh hamari mano kaamna hai!

May god give you the strength to carry on with your noble mission.

Bharat Mata Ki Jai!
Unknown said…
We need to have organisation like Hindu Samhati in every villege of India to stop islamic terrorism.

Long live Hindu Samhati

Bharat mata ki jay
Anonymous said…
Congratulations and bravo, Shri Tapan and Hindu Samhati! This is what we need in Bengal and rest of India to send a strong message to the Central and State governments. The next logical step, if the governments ignore us, would be to adopt Jammu style "sangharsha" and blockade all traffic to/from Bangladesh and Pukistan. They must understand that Hindus have had enough of Islamic butchery and taqiya. Vande mataram!

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