Hindu Samhati Protests Against Hindu women being Trafficked

In the mixed areas of South 24 parganas district, there is a constant flow of Hindu women being smuggled out by the Muslim human traffickers in the name of getting them jobs and/or getting them married them off. Sometimes, Hindu girls/women are simply kidnapped and sold-off to Muslim gangsters. In one such case, a Hindu girl has been traced to Rampur, UP. Hindu Samhati is to submit a memorandum to the Superintendant of Police, Mr. Ajay Ranade, drawing his attention to at least three specific incidents of this sort.

Hindu samhati is continuing its grass-root level activities by mobilizing people and discussing the issues important to Hindus. In the immediate past, it has conducted a public meeting in Kultali (South 24 Parganas district) which was attended by about 1000 people. A similar meeting was held at Raidighi in the same district.

In Howrah district, a small meeting/discussion was held at Amta which was attended by about 150 people. Another meeting was held at Bagnan in the same district on 23 December. About 200 Hindu youths attended the meeting. It was addressed by Swami Pradiptanandaji Maharaj of Bharat Sevashram Sangha and Tapan Ghosh of Hindu Samhati.

Please Support our Cause !!!

Posted by Hindu Samhati's International Communications Team


A similar thing is being done in Andhra Pradesh too! This is happening in all the three regions of AP. Same is the case with Cows. Both these are done by Muslims and Christians(organised Gangs/Teams) with the active support of some Hindus. Please tell us how can we support the cause.

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