Press Release: West Bengal Media Supresses News of Hindu Persecution

Hindu homes and businesses have been attacked looted and Hindus have been attacked with lethal weapons, the press remains silent in West Bengal.

Areas Affected in Medinipur: Medinipur, Sepai Bazar, Khaprel Bazar,Bara Bazaar, Bot Tola Chowk and many other areas.

On the day of Muharram, 8 January, in the morning Muslim processionists displaying weapons broke through the police barricade, severely assaulting multiple police officers, seriously damaging over ten Hindu homes, setting fire to and looting Hindu owned shops in the town's Bot-tala area: Savitiri Medical shop's owner Mr. Raju panda, a prominent Hindu businesman was assaulted with a sword and his lower face has been cut; Plastic shop owner Atish Sahu's fingers have been cut by sword as well. Amal Gope's house looted.

The whole city of Medinipur is under police curfew for dual purpose-to protect the Hindu population, as well as not to let the news get any publicity thus in effect punishing the Hindus.

Due to the Muslim clergy's ooposition to Taslima Nasreen, the liberal thinker, Medinipur adminstrator probhibited her to come to the town. This is an example how liberal thinking is being subdued and muzzled by the Islamist mafia in West Bengal.

After Thursday's incident in Medinipur, Mamta Banerjee egged on by her Islamic radical support base, has started her typical styled protests blaming the CPI-M for the whole incident in order to conceal the atrocities done by the Muslims.

The West Bengal media has totally censured this news item so Hindus are not made aware of these incients and suppressed even more. Suppression of this kind of news will only ensure even greater future persecution of Bengali Hindus thus creating a greater diasaster. This suppression is nothing but self-deception and will facilitate another Islamic division of Bengal.

Delhi based media has somewhat covered this news.

Posted by Hindu Samhati's International Communications Team


LostinHaze said…
Is Hindu Samiti real or something of a desktop warrior only? Bengalis are great in pening lofty ideas and doing little practica. Because we lost the guts long ago

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