The Rape of Indian Constitution and Judiciary ?

Cow Slaughter Ban by Kolkata High Court Ignored by Media and Islamists

The reporting of the land mark judgment given by Honorable Kolkata High Court completely banning the slaughter of cows on the occasion of Bakri Idd ( W.P. No. 1378 of 2010, Judgment/Order delivered by Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. J N Patel and Hon'ble Justice Mr. A K Roy on 12-11-2010), is totally unknown by the Bengali population. No media (electronic & print) in West Bengal or at the national level publicized it under the whim and whip of pro Islamic intellectuals and media persons reigning over West Bengal, causing utter humiliation of and onslaught on Hindus in West Bengal.

Despite the specific direction of the Honorable Kolkata High Court in this regard, “The Authorities are, therefore, bound to implement the provisions of the West Bengal Animal Slaughter (Control) Act, 1950 and if any instance of cow slaughter on Bakri–Idd is brought to their notice, they will have to take cognizance and act in accordance with law.”, in numerous places the direction of the Kolkata High Court is being flouted in the broad day light to appease the fundamentalist Muslim mass.

The village DOGACHA, adjoining the cluster Rasa-Dogacha, under Usthi Police Station, South 24 Pgs., is a glaring example of the humiliation of the Hindu sentiment and the total disregard of the Indian Constitution and Judiciary by the Shariat loving Muslim supremacists.

In Dogacha, some 1,200 Hindus reside along with only 70/80 Muslims there. No slaughter could hold last year or in any earlier instance on record. The Shariat Islamists tried to perform Qurbani in 2009, but the local Hindus resisted it through a staunch settlement. But, in this year 2010, the local administration and the police has given permission to perform Qurbani in a make-shift (covered) slaughter point in the house of one Hossian Mian. After the slaughter, the blood of the animal (obviously a cow) and the other remains will be drained out in a land of Hindu neighbor. The intolerable gagging of the dying animal in a Halal method will rent the air.

Yesterday (15th Nov 2010), Hindu Samhati activists visited the village and met the aggrieved Hindus of Dogacha village. The visiting team heard about the discrimination upon Hindus by the police and the political power. Then they visited the Usthi Police Station and met Mr B. K. Roy, Officer-in-Charge, Usthi Police Station for a discussion and redress in favor of the victimized Hindu People under tremendous pressure of the devout and fanatic Muslims. The Islamic miscreants are threatening of dire consequences including rape and kidnapping of the local Hindu leaders attached with Hindu Samhati who are protesting the illegal slaughter. Though Mr. B K Roy, O.C., Usthi P.S., assured the Hindu leaders taking the cognizance and action in accordance of law, the ground level reports came to us for a complete preparation for the COW SLAUGHTER IN DOGACHA VILLAGE. Hundreds of Muslims have entered into the Dogacha village from outside for the forceful and illegal slaughter there. This will be another rape of Indian constitution and judiciary by the local administration, police and the political pressure groups.

The frightened Hindus seek help to rescue them from the situation. Though the Hindus of Dogacha village holds the majority in numbers, but they are entirely encircled by majority Muslim villages nearby.


Anonymous said…
When we think media and politics have hit low, they come out showing how much more thy can stoop to.

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