Our Struggle – Contemporary Press & Media

Our Strugle - Amader Kotha

The period of festivities, Durga-puja, Lakshmi-puja and Kali-puja is over. And the season was marked by copious attacks on Puja mandaps, desecration of Deities, aggressive attacks on religious processions as well as planned conspiracies to halt festival in some areas. Nevertheless, in sharp contrast to the passionate vigor with which our workers resisted these aggressive attacks, there is a systemic apathy to pen down such atrocities on the Hindu society at large. This is understandable, however, because the hand that swings sword at ease is not necessarily the one that writes well. Consequently, we have not been able to bring forth the particulars of mounting religious persecutions on Bengali Hindus and needless to say we are deeply saddened and ashamed at this deficiency or ours. However, one begs to ask - what are the press and media of Bengal doing regarding this worsening reality? 

What was the mainstream press and media of Bengal doing regarding this worsening reality? They are steadfast that there would be no publication of news portraying encounters between Hindus and Muslims and their points are somewhat explicit. As per them, there would not be any news that may escalate tensions between the two religious communities. Does this indicate suppression of info concerning hostilities would ensure tranquility? Whom are they trying to dupe? We would like to pose a few relevant questions in this context. Has there been reduction or rise in religious hostilities in the last few years in Bengal? What does Deganga point out then? Did the aforesaid sagacious intentions made mainstream press and media of Bengal remain silent? Was there any other reason?

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Anonymous said…
Either Hindus start their own media or stop complaining about this English media; because they are not going to change their way. They have already sold out their souls. Recent reports about Barkha and Sanghvi are a testimony to this fact.
Do not respect this media too.

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