Hindus in Bagnan under Attack; vicious Police repression unabated

Hindus terrified, fleeing to be alive

State repression on Hindus is in full swing in Khadinan, Bagnan, Howrah following recurrent Hindu endeavors to trounce Islamic nefarious designs on August 18, 2011 to attack the entire community in the locality. Earlier reports (published in this site) stated with conviction that the aim of all troubles by Muslim fundamentalists was to call Janmasthami (birthday of Lord Krishna) Puja in local Saraswati Ashram on August 22, 2011 (today) a halt and this was the main Hindu apprehension as well.

Owing to excessive police repression Janmasthami Puja has been stopped and the whole Ashram premises has been locked by concerned authority for safety.

Police repression gained new height under the leadership of Tapan Aguan, O.C. (Officer-in-Charge) of P.S. Bagnan, from 11.30 am, on August 21, 2011, when he started visiting and torturing Hindu households in the environs, backed by a police contingent containing more than 30 dreaded personnel.

It is to be noted that an all-party meeting took place yesterday (August 21, 2011) in the local BDO office at 2 pm, presided by SP, BDO, O.C. - P.S. Bagnan, and joined by Sultan Ahmed, MP – Uluberia and also Union Minister of State for Tourism in present UPA government, Raja Sen – MLA, Bagnan – both from Trinamool Congress, Rezzaq Qazi (District President – Congress), Siddiqullah Chowdhury (PDCI). There was no representative of Hindus in the meeting and so decision was set beforehand.

Decision of the meeting was one, unanimous and simple – to nab the troublemakers without delay to create and sustain normalcy in the affected area.

The decision, without any compunction, pointed out Hindus as sole rabble-rousers or else the police activity (vicious repression only) that continued from 11.30 am, August 21, 2011, till late evening would not have targeted Hindus and Hindu households only. The beastly police crackdown left scores of Hindus seriously wounded.

A Hindu youth, Premangshu Rana, age 24, has been arrested and as per latest report, all forms of heinous repressions are being applied on this hapless and innocent man. What is the crime of Premangshu? He belongs to the Hindu community who dared to resist Islamic felons from carrying out a new wave of religious persecution on them.

Hundred of Hindus have already left the area in fear of life and they are still being hounded.

Are Hindus independent in India, whose day of independence was celebrated in the last week?


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