What will be the fate of Hindus in Mathurapur?

It’s no longer a secret ………… even a minute and futile break can be exploited by Islamic fundamentalists to pounce on Hindus. And to save own skin and kith and kin Hindus have to build up strong resistance movements. But this is also not an easy task; if it had been, hapless Hindus in Mathurapur would have remained safe and sound. What has taken place in Mathurapur manifests that Hindus have become latest casualty in democratic India.

On August 22, 2011 a Hindu-Muslim schism took place in the village Purba Ranaghata, P.S. Mathurapur, Lalpar area, District: 24 Paraganas (South) following Hindu endeavors to celebrate of Janmasthami Puja (celebration of Lord Krishna’s birthday) with splendor.

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