Indian Mujahideen banned in United Kingdom

Will this benefit Hindus?

What was expected from the international community – the much sought after approach from the West – has finally come forth – the British government has banned Indian Mujahideen (IM) terming it as an ominous organization, destined to change global fabric to an Islamic mode by coercion on the whole, posing a grave threat to UK’s national security. Nevertheless the British authority, at the same instant, has mentioned IM’s involvement in several terror attacks, in particular Mumbai bombings. Is there any reason for us, we wretched Indians, to be elated because of this?

Especially when our nation is failing like an ideal worthless to stamp such actions down!        

Let’s focus on the banning. In accordance with media reports, banning in UK has become swift owing to the arrest of five men and a woman in London as part of a counter-terror drive prior to the Olympic Games and as per analysts, the specter of Islamic terrorism looming large in the British psyche would have incapacitated the entire nation given that UK failed to impose such prohibition. 

On the word of James Brokenshire, Home Office Minister, strong evidences to ascertain IM is “engaged in indiscriminate mass casualty attacks in India” do exist, depicting a precarious scenario for the global community as well.  “For example, in May 2008, a spate of bomb detonations in the city of Jaipur killed 63 and in September of last year an explosion outside the high court in Delhi reportedly killed 12 and injured 65,” he said.

“They use violence to achieve their stated objectives of creating an Islamic state in India and implementing Sharia law,” he said. “IM has sought to incite sectarian hatred in India by deliberately targeting Hindu places of worship, such as a prayer ceremony in Varanasi which killed a child in December 2010.

“The organization has also publicly threatened to attack British tourists, so they clearly pose a threat to British nationals in India,” Mr. Brokenshire said.

The approach has also been welcomed by Diana Johnson, Shadow Home Office Minister of Labor Party, who said the IM was behind “some of the most appalling acts of terrorism in recent years.”

What’s our take then? All Hindus can do is to watch these developments silently – since we prefer to perform Adharmik acts in the name of preserving Dharma – Hindu Dharma focuses on the necessity of struggle or Purushakara – what we have forgotten already.    
