Muharram and the Suffering Hindus (Part 4 - Dhanbad)

Hindus Bear the Brunt of Islamic Communalism in Dhanbad

Kendua Bazaar under Kenduadih police station, about 7 km from the district headquarters in the city (Dhanbad, Jharkhand) on 17th November, 2010. The episode was initiated from the misconduct of a Muslim youngster ended into a violent clash fueled by Islamists injuring multiple Hindus and destroying Hindu homes and businesses.

Trouble started around 10pm on 17th December 2010 when a Muslim youth participating in the Muharram procession verbally assaulted a Hindu girl, relative of an influential political leader in the neighborhood. In retaliation, the Muslim youth was roughened up by the local residents. Muslims started arriving on scene and the police and administration succeeded in reining in the increasingly worsening situation in time, but the Muslims refused to forget the 'insult' so quickly.

As per eye witnesses, the situation attained the height of tension at 9 am on the following day of 18th December 2010, when over three dozen Muslims, armed with powerful weapons lashed out at Hindu shopkeepers at Kendua. .....
..... Educational institutions refused to take any more chances and students of both government and private schools at Karkend and Kendua were sent back home swiftly. .....
..... Criminal members of the Muslim community remain scot free in the Indian terrain. There was no information of bringing the Muslim miscreant to book till the writing of this report.

To Read the Full Report, Please Visit the Following Links:


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