Violence Against Hindus Continues in Joynagar

Jangalia, a village with both Hindu and Muslim residents is situated in South 24 Pargana under Joynagar police station (West Bengal, India). .....

..... Not surprisingly, Muslims pretend all government land belongs to them and take every opportunity to grab any available land! They declared the vested land next to the Auto Stand to be their graveyard and build wall around it. This graveyard area had no Muslim burial in the past - which tells us the falsehood of their claim! .....

..... Hindus perform Durga Puja with pomp and splendor every year. Hindu girls always perform puja under the banayan tree on the day of "Sasthi" during Durga puja. This year Muslims tried stopping them and police intervened. Undaunted by resistance from Muslims and police, Hindus performed puja by the tree. .....

..... Police force then raided the Hindu locality and arrested eight Hindus included four women, one of whom was seven months pregnant. The arrested Hindus are: Supriya Mandal (7 months pregnant) .....

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