West Bengal: An Oasis of Communal Harmony

Muslims are still a minority group in West Bengal whereas in Bangladesh, previously East Bengal, the opposite holds true; the Muslims there are the majority fraction while the Hindus have become a minority. Physical torture, molestation of the women, looting of property, desecration of temples, eviction from ancestral hearth and home is all too common in the eastern half of the original, greater Bengal, i.e. Bangladesh and is almost exclusively perpetrated on the minority, Hindu/Buddhist/Christian communities by the majority, Muslim community. In sharp contrast, in West Bengal suffering of the Islamic, or for that matter any other religious, minority at the hands of majority community is practically non-existent. .....

..... Over last six decades in each individual block in West Bengal, proportion of Muslims has increased. Already three districts in WB have turned Muslim majority while a few others are on the verge of changing over and are borderline. .....

..... Please pursue the following events and remember that even though this is fairly representative, it is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
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