Fake Currency and Economy of India

It’s known far and wide that Pakistan leaves no stone unturned to destabilize India and fake currency, in this regard, happens to be one of its most useful tools. And contrary to the expectation of all, the main route of the same is operated through Bengal. Reason? Painstaking studies do reveal that Bengal, within the federal structure of India, happens to be the friendliest state to Pakistan and its best sympathizers, naturally, reside here most. Two bordering districts of Bengal, Murshidabad and Malda, hence, are mostly being used in this regard. All these breathtaking info have been learnt from the investigations of NIA or the National Investigation Agency.

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ARYAN said…
It seems as if Pakistan is hell bent on destabilizing us,so we should take steps to undo their plan and present this current scenario before the central government and also U.N.

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