Hindus have to earn ability to observe Ram Navami

Unlike different areas across India, Bengal has its own and a unique way of celebrating Ram Navami. While thousands of people were found to perceive Kumari Puja at Adyapith, in Kolkata, to mark Ram Navami, hundreds of people assembled at Hotor, P.S. Hotor, Block: Mograhat, P.S. Mograhat, Dist: 24 Paraganas (South), to make out the observance of Ram Navami, under the auspices of Hindu Samhati. 

The Puja went on throughout the day while the meeting that earned the maximum crowd initiated at 4 pm, on April 1, 2012. The meeting was graced by the attendance of a number of valiant Hindu leaders in the podium including Prakash Das, Upananda Brahmachari, Shibapada Haldar, Haran Brahmachari, Animitra Chakraborty. 

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ARYAN said…
This clearly indicates that the future of Hindus in Bengal is at safe hands. And I personally opine that Ram Navami should be the hallmark for celebrating the unity among Hindus under the umbrella of Hindu Samhati every year.

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