Islamic Hunger for Power swelling in Bengal

A hearsay that comprehensive (and certainly tactical) votes of Muslims in Bengal, forming 28 per cent of the state’s population (if not more), had helped Mamata or Trinamool Congress to ascend is prevalent at the moment. And this mood nullifies the role played by Hindu votes (majority in the state still) in making her victorious. And as a reward for the same, Islamists, in every echelon of Islamic society in Bengal, are demanding more from the government…. be it jobs or any other forms of concessions………… and no less than it is acceptable to them now.

Bengal government has already announced myriad concessions for Muslims, ranging from providing grants to Imams and Muazzins to distribution of cycles among Muslim girl students and special advantages to others under the camouflage of bettering people belonging to OBC status. Hindus form the greatest chunk of the same status but in every respect, governmental intentions to improve Muslims’ lot (only) deprive them altogether.

But this is also not the end………. the beginning only………. Muslims in Bengal have once more started to use pressure tactics, following the footsteps of Muslim League rule in 1940s’ Bengal, and without a doubt, no less than a Muslim Chief Minister in Bengal is acceptable to them.

What will Hindus do in this case? Will they remain confined in angry retorts in hours of need or gear up to save their kith and kin and also posterity? It is to be seen but for the moment, Islamic hunger for power in Bengal, politically and economically fragile, is endless.

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