Muslim radicals seize Hindu property in Kaliachak, Malda

Muslim radicals in the realm of Malda, due to rising incapacity of indigenous administration, know no bounds and hence, their devilish intentions to ravage or seize Hindu properties illegally remain unabated.

A minor Hindu family living in village: Silampur, P.S. Kaliachak, District: Malda is experiencing the same brunt at the moment. Their own garden of mangos (worth 30 cottahs) has been occupied by local Islamists and even after repeated pleas (and almost a month has passed already) of Hindus the police is yet to nab the culprits.

On April 8, 2013, at night, a band of local Islamists enclosed the aforementioned garden belonging to Rajkumar Saha, a Hindu individual living in village: Silampur for decades. The goons have built a thatched hut within the garden while the entire property is being guarded by a group, containing more than 25, of Muslim radicals. The entire attack took place under the leadership of Salil Sheikh, an infamous Islamist in the locality.

An FIR in detail was filed at P.S. Kaliachak; police called Muslims for a steady resolution to the problem. But there has been no response yet. Islamists appeared only for once and dared the police stating that no such call bothered them.

The impasse continues and Rajkumar is paying the price for being a Hindu in Bengal.

Hindu Samhati regularly monitors and reports violations against Hindus in West Bengal. We also work with both governmental and NGO agencies for proper education on protection and ensure remedies to the Hindu populace as per prevailing law of the land.


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