Mischievous approaches of press and media to malign Hindu Samhati

Even in this year too the role of press and electronic media to the rally of Hindu Samhati on February 14 at Rani Rashmani Road in Kolkata remained unchanged. Well, there was indeed no such expectation too but none conceived that custodians of press freedom in Bengal would stoop such to placate the cardinal mantra of secularism in the state. Naturally, there was no report on next day’s newspaper despite the fact that it’s difficult to remember any other such jam-packed mass meeting by any Hindu organization in the city of Kolkata. What was published in newspapers then? It was nothing save for harassment of public owing to the mass meeting and concocted reports of peoples’ anguishes were also included in the report. But none did care to accentuate the meeting’s significance in the contemporary socio-economic and political scenario. Now let’s compare this stance of press and electronic media to other recent developments.

Two weeks before the rally of Hindu Samhati on February 14, 2014, Kolkata remained witness to three successive public meetings at the Brigade Parade Ground and without a shred of doubt, thanks to all these, traffic system in the metropolis was thrown out of gear almost. But no report on this decline of traffic system then was perceived in any newspaper, let alone in the electronic media or any news channel. They were more interested to eulogize the concerned political parties and also their leadership for mere benefits only. How can this be termed other than parochialism? 

This is not all as one Bengali newspaper (taking pleasure in its reincarnation while its assets and also benefactors are shrouded under mystery) termed Hindu Samhati as hate monger and the public meeting on February 14 organized by its as the biggest show of communalism in recorded history of Kolkata. Well, India or the largest democracy across the globe is known for letting its citizens enjoy the Fundamental Right of Freedom of Speech and in this respect, one has the fundamental right to express his own opinions. This happens to be the guiding force behind press freedom as well. But, at the same time, the voice and reality of the newspaper or persons responsible for penning it must also be ascertained. He, according to records of Government of India, happens to be the founder of outlawed SIMI (Students’ Islamic Movement of India) and even intelligence agencies are learnt to keep a close watch on him. Yet he could manage to get favor of Bengal Chief Minister and Mamata Banerjee, either due to compulsions or weird factors, nominated him as Trinamool Congress candidate to Rajya Sabha.

The sole intention of this tainted and communally biased newspaper is to provoke religious sentiments in the state of Bengal and to feign as ideal secular through publicizing reports of communal disturbances. In a way, this newspaper is best paradigm of contemporary definition of secularism prevailing not Bengal only but the whole of India also. Secularism, if truth be told, is nothing save for a cloak to these divisive persons and to maintain this tradition, they do not even blink to publish fictitious stories. In Naliakhali at Canning residences of more than 200 Hindu families were bunt down and it emanated from the murder of a person. But the newspaper did all ranging from perverting the truth to publication of fabricated reports. Is this secularism or the repetition of Taqiya only? It’s the time to get conscious or else the decline of Bengal soon can’t be checked.

Hindu Samhati regularly monitors and reports violations against Hindus in West Bengal. We also work with both governmental and NGO agencies for proper education on protection and ensure remedies to the Hindu populace as per prevailing law of the land.


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