Death of Muslim thief initiates Islamists’ onslaughts in Ramnagar, South 24 Paraganas

Radical Muslims maim police; Hindus prepared for showdown

Weird events are being witnessed in Bengal more and more now; the chronicle of secularism or the doctrine rejecting religion and religious considerations has been twisted to the narrative of minority protagonism, especially Muslims, and myriad instances ascertain how the reigning Bengal government has become its brawniest adherent across the country.

On April 12, 2014, Shafiqul Mullah, an infamous thief in the environs of the village of Bhaduria within the Ramnagar police station’s jurisdiction in the district of South 24 Paragamas, was caught red-handed at 1 am when he along with two other accomplices attempted to foray the shop of Chiranjit Samanta. A spate of theft in the last few months had made Hindu villagers form a vigilance committee; this group succeeded to get hold of Shafiqul even if his two accomplices manged to escape. Even if he was alone, Shaifqul was found to be aggressive and also abuse Hindus which enraged all a lot. What followed next was a mob rampage leading to serious injuries of Shafiqul Mullah. Even if a team of local police station reached the spot at 5 am and took heavily injured Shafiqul Mullah to the Diamond Harbor Hospital, he was declared there as brought dead. Shafiqul was a resident of the village of Koraghata in Nainan within the jurisdiction of the same police station of Ramnagar.  

Once the news of Shafiqul’s death reached his residential village, Muslims, in large numbers, resolved to attack both Hindu and local administration. With this end in view, a violent mob comprising more than thousands of radical Muslims attacked the police station of Ramnagar at 7 pm. Soon, the entire police station was ravaged. No police official was spared and even Tusharkanti Panja, Officer-in-Charge of the Ramnagar police station, got heavy injuries in his head. Police had to flee for the time being and could return only after the deployment of RAF (Rapid Action Force) there to quell attacks of Muslims. It has been learnt, Pravin Tripathi, Superintendent of Police, South 24 Paraganas, ordered the force to fire in necessity. As per sources, armed Islamists tried to enter the village of Bhaduria when police stopped them and all these incited them to pounce down on police as a prey.   

By now, 4 Hindus have been arrested and they include Chiranjit Samanta, Ranjit Samanta, Biswajit Mandal and Tuhin Samanta. Incidentally Tuhin Samanta happens to be father of Chiranjit and definitely was in the village at the moment when Shafiqul Mullah was taken hold of. However, Islamists inhabiting the village of Koraghata consider him as the person who masterminded the attack on Shafiqul and in demand of his arrest, they blocked the main road at Sankarpakulia on April 12 for hours throwing traffic out of gear. On the word of his relatives, Tuhin Samanta went to the Ramnagar police station to inquire about the possible release of his son. He was arrested just then.  The tension refuses to die down, meanwhile. Islamists in Koraghata are not in a mood for clemency and are baying for blood of Hindus while Hindus in the village of Ramnangar are prepared to deal with any awkward development.

Has Bengal gone into the era of civil war?

Hindu Samhati regularly monitors and reports violations against Hindus in West Bengal. We also work with both governmental and NGO agencies for proper education on protection and ensure remedies to the Hindu populace as per prevailing law of the land.


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