Where can Hindu refugees from Bangladesh go other than India?

Political parties are up in arms against the recent statement of Narendra Modi of packing off illegal infiltrators from Bangladesh to India and some Hindus have also been found to join the bandwagon and without doubt, this attitude reflects their inhuman dearth of knowledge instead of erudition. Even if the chronicle of illegal infiltration of Islamists in Bangladesh has been ravaging the national economy, secular parties in strength, to retain power through support of Muslims en masse, prefer to be reticent. There has been no end to this endeavor. A question also arises – how will leaders of these parties react if they discern that their kith and kin are compelled everyday to convert to another religion and if he/she belongs to any minority religious community, the existence of concerned individual at stake.

Do they know how Islamists are estranging Hindus in Bangladesh? Do they know that Hindus are having two options now there – either they have to become Muslims or leave Bangladesh sneakily? Will they have any option then except to enter India as refugees? Take the example of Paresh Chandra Goala, gardener of the Jahangirnagar University located in the sub-district of Savar in Dhaka. According to sources, radical Muslims left no stone unturned to hackle his entire family and being a Hindu, he failed to get any assistance from the administration. The greatest crime of Paresh Chardra Goala was his religious identity or that he was a Hindu and for the same reason, even the civil society preferred to steer clear of him. At last and being devoid of any viable option to deal with the uncongenial society under the sway of Islamists, he decided to convert himself and also the rest of the family into Islam.

It has been learnt, Paresh Chardra Goala , son of Hiralal Goala (deceased), living in the village of Gacha within the Joydevpur police station’s jurisdiction in the district of Gazipur, along with his whole family converted to Islam through a notary public affidavit on April 3, 2014. The new name of Paresh Chandra Goala is Mohammed Masum. Being newly converted to Islam, Mohammed Masum has won lots of friends and also admirers already.

The following incidents portray why it is no more possible for Hindus to live in Bangladesh.

1)      On February 28, 2014, a few Islamists attacked the durga temple worshipped by minority Hindus in the village of Bathanichala within the sub-district of Kaliachaik in the district of Gazipur. The violent group defiled and destructed 8 holy deities and also left behind a note stating “STOP STATUE WORSHIP NEXT HERE WORSHIP WE WILL CAST BOMB OR ALL OF YOU”.
2)      On February 19, 2014, a group of Islamists kidnapped Bikash Chakma (age 40), minority Buddhist individual living in Rokchandra Karbari Para area within the sub-district of Dighalia in the district of Khagrachari. His slain body was recovered by police on March 2, 2014.
3)      On March 2, 2014, Jyotsna (age 22), a minority Hindu woman was raped by Islamists at the sub-district headquarter of Saturia in the district of Manikgunj. Failing to have any justice in the rural court, she committed suicide out of disgust. Police has not adopted any measure against Mujibur Rahman, the main rapist, and his accomplices.
4)      On March 4, 2014, a local leader of Muslim youth league and also supported by the reigning party attacked minority Hindus living at Biswas Para in the village of Suktagarh within the sub-district of Rajapur in the district of Jhalkthi. With regard to a confrontation over a land, 22 Hindu families of the village were warned and were also asked to “all will be burnt to death if they fail to move to India within the next 15 days”. 

Hindu Samhati regularly monitors and reports violations against Hindus in West Bengal. We also work with both governmental and NGO agencies for proper education on protection and ensure remedies to the Hindu populace as per prevailing law of the land.


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