Hindus overwhelm vicious designs to halt Kali Puja in Jangipara, Hooghly

Defiance rout police and Islamists

The obscure village of Bhimpur within the Jangipara police station’s jurisdiction in the district of Hooghly celebrates the Shamsankali Puja (an incarnation of Devi Kali) on every year with splendor. The religious worship attracts Hindus from other neighboring villages also and truly, no opportunity is lost ever to make the celebration more elegant.  With all these ends in view, Hindu youths of Bhimpur were bringing the deity to the village on April 2, 2014. A procession was formed in this regard joined by people from different walks of life.  Nothing but elation prevailed the procession till it appeared at Furfuratala Muslim graveyard. Once the procession reached the spot, they were prevented by a team of police and Muslims.

Hindus were asked to maintain silence, switch off microphones and were also warned that any attempt to burst crackers would land them in jail. The obstruction stunned Hindus initially but soon they retrieved and asked the police of reasons behind such a measure. Processions had entered the village elatedly and while bursting crackers in the last year too. And there were no communal clashes that could propel the administration to adopt such a tough measure.  When such questions were bombarded at the police, the team was found to grope for a suitable answer. And all these proved that there was no order but the police was acting thus to placate Islamists in the neighborhood evidencing the truth of Indian brand of secularism yet again. Hindus inhabiting the village of Bhimpur defied the diktat and went on with the procession.  Police had no other option other than to retreat.   It has come to knowledge that Taha Siddique, Pirzada of Furfura Sharif, masterminded the malicious endeavor and even instructed police to do everything needful to smash up moral fiber of Hindus living in the village of Bhimpur.  Police acted likewise through attempting to forestall the procession to the village but following ignominious retreat of administration, Pirzada preferred to retain silence.

But this is no new phenomenon amid Jangipara. There has been no paucity of endeavors to subjugate Hindus inhabiting here and whether it is 2009 or 2011 or even the recent past, Hindus have to live counting on their own virility and no other agency including administration.   On 15th November, 2009, the victory procession of Trinomool Congress involving confrontational slogans of Islamists ended finally with the persecution of Hindus in the villages of Borhol, Khurigachi, Nikash, Dilkhash. While the majority of Hindu houses were ransacked by Islamists in the procession, more than a few Hindu shops were razed to the ground as well. The political procession had its origin in the villages of Sufijangal and Bahana, inhabited by Muslims majorly. The year 2011 perceived several efforts of Islamists to change the local Idgah to a mosque; the entire process heightened religious schism scaring peaceful Hindus a lot. Had not Hindus acted unanimously, the entire development would have been ominous for them. There is no doubt that construction of an Islamic religious institution in close proximity scares Hindus lots and this fact is surely not unfounded.        

No difference was perceived on March 6, 2014 too when the Baruipara railway station in the Howrah-Burdwan chord line section, situated close to Jangipara became casualty to a mayhem caused by a radical Muslim pilgrims (joined by hundreds shortly) to Furfura Sharif.

Hindu Samhati regularly monitors and reports violations against Hindus in West Bengal. We also work with both governmental and NGO agencies for proper education on protection and ensure remedies to the Hindu populace as per prevailing law of the land.


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