Bail pleas of Hindus arrested in Entally rejected once more

Travesty of justice rules Hindu fate in Bengal  

Contrary to expectations of Hindus in Entally and its vicinity, bail pleas of Hindu youths arrested, owing to outrageous incident on October 25, 2012 (when holy deity of Goddess Durga was desecrated, broken by Islamists and Hindu endeavored desperately to stop it), have been rejected by the court (once again) considering police’s plea to detain them in police custody for a few more days.

It has come to knowledge, all of them have been detained in Lalbazar central lockup leaving the concerned Hindu families grieved. While the case no. is Entally P.S.340/12,  criminal sections imposed upon the Hindus accused are U/S 147, 148, 149, 233, 353, 307(attempt to murder) of IPC.

However, the Muslim miscreant Mohammed Riyazuddin (caught red handed by the Hindus and handed over to police), arrested under case no. Entally P.S.339/12 along with sections imposed on him 153A, 295A & 427 IPC, is having a good time in Entally P.S. lockup at this moment.  

What can be a greater instance of weird preferential treatment of police?

Each and every approach of the administration manifest Hindus are 2nd-grade citizens in Bengal; where each pace can be manipulated to carry on the vicious saga of Muslim appeasement.  

To comprehend the outrageous incident on October 25, 2012 please visit: 


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