Kalipuja Pandal Burnt Down in Uluberia

Islamic Culprits Still At Large; Police Busy In Blaming Hindus 

Hindus Opt For 12-Hour Strike

A Kalipuja pandal of Hindus has been burnt down by Islamists at Doulipara – Uluberia, P.S. Uluberia, District: Howrah manifesting the audacity of Islamists, pampered by police and administration in the whole of Bengal with no exception in the realm of Uluberia as well. The dreadful incident occurred at 2 am, November 13, 2012, when 3 Islamists having a can of gasoline were spotted by Hindu members of Nona Forward Sangha, club organizing the Puja.
However, by the time they could grab the three Muslim culprits, the damage was done – the pandal was set to fire completely. 2 among the Muslim gang of 3 culprits could manage to escape; the third one was seized and became subject to mass thrashing. He has been freed from the hospital by now.
According to sources, this incident is not uncanny – mounting audacity of Islamists ranging from taunting Hindu women in public to escalation in rate of crime prevails the whole of Uluberia at the moment.
Only 3 days back, while members of Nona Forward Sangha were busy in collecting donations for Kalipuja, there was a scuffle between them and a Muslim auto-rickshaw driver. The driver not refused to donate only but was found to call Hindus and their religion names. This behavior of the Muslim driver was enough to inflame Hindus in the vicinity – he was beaten and the vehicle was grabbed by Hindus though. But it was released soon.   
The Islamic onslaught on the Kalipuja pandal has been taken at the behest of the same Muslim auto-rickshaw driver.
The incident has evoked strong responses from Hindus in the locality; a huge procession under the local activists of Hindu Samhati marched throughout the city and ghreaoed the local police station, found to be too inactive to nab the Muslim culprits, for hours. Well, as expected, police instead of gearing up blamed Hindus for capturing the auto-rickshaw.
Hindus have burst into protests and have called a 12-hour bandh (strike) in Uluberia on November 14, 2012. 


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