Hindu Samahti activists fight valiantly against Islamists in Mograhat

Hindu vendor gets justice; Islamists touch his feet for pardon

On October 28, 2012, Sunday, the day of Bakr-Eid, at 5 pm, a few Muslim boys tried to molest a Hindu lady at Shanir More, close to Jhinkir Haat, Block: Mograhat, P.S. Mograhat, District: 24 Paraganas (South). But the nasty bid was foiled by a few local Hindu youths, following which an innocent Hindu vendor named Krishna Naskar, having a makeshift shop at Hospital More in Jhinkir Haat, was made an easy prey by 25 armed Islamists later in the day.

Not Krishna was badly beaten only but Islamists were heard to state that they would no longer allow any Hindu to do business in the same area also. Krishna Naskar could manage to save himself anyhow and fled to his native village – Naskar Para. Hearing all these, a group of Hindu Samhati activists comprising 70 members rushed to the spot shortly and witnessing their aggressive mood, Muslim zealots had no way other than to flee.

In the meantime, Zulfikar Ali Mandal, head of local Panchayat, phoned the local police station. The police contingent having Atibur Rahman, O.C, Mograhat P.S. and Circle Inspector Subir Chowdhury along with 2 teams of RAF (Rapid Action Force) reached the spot in no time. To quell the situation and also to tackle fiery Hindu Samhati activists there, police assured Hindus that there would be detailed investigation, culprits would be nabbed and proper compensation would be rendered to injured Krishna Naskar.

To maintain an amicable situation, communal harmony in the area and also to discuss of the abovementioned assurances given by police, a meeting was convened on November 4, Sunday, at 12 pm, at Mohanpur Panchayat ofice. The meeting was attended by the O.C. Atibur Rahman, C.I. Subir Chowdhury, Khairul Laskar (President – Mograhat II Panchayat) and peace-loving people, aged from both sides.

Even if Muslims were present in the meeting in large numbers, aggressive mood of Hindus there called the shots virtually, altering the fate of meeting to a large extent. Decisions are indeed epoch making. It was decided that the innocent Hindu victim Krishna Naskar would be rendered Rs.5,000 as a mere compensation and Muslim attackers would seek forgiveness by touching his feet.

It has come to knowledge, Krishna Naskar has been compensated by now.

Mogarahat happens to be a dreadful Muslim dominated block in the realm of South Bengal where Hindus have no right except to abide by their diktats. Such a courage strengthens Hindu confidence in Mograhat..    


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